Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Results of weak or disturbed Planets !!

Planets can be weak due to multiple reasons like Debilitation, Cruel Conjunction, Placement in melific houses, Refrigeration etc.

Their results also differ in accordance with their weakness.

Sun controls Stomach, bone, right eye, heart, skin, belly, head part, Burning sensation in the body...It's effect are like :

Trouble in right eye, high fever, disease of heart, stomach and skin, bone fracture, diseases in head etc.

Moon controls lungs, mind, blood, left eye, breast, alimentary canal, water in body, calcium, intestines, lymph, kidneys etc.

Diseases lungs, left eye, uterus, sleepiness, inertia, asthma, diarrhea, anaemia, poisoning of blood, diseases from water, vomiting, kidney trouble, diabetes, menstrual, disorder, dropsy, appendicitis, diseases of breasts, and mammary glands, cough and cold, hydrocele.

Mars control Blood, marrow, energy, neck veins, genitals, red mater in blood, rectum veins, female organs and vitality, nose

Diseases of blood, poisoning, cuts, wounds, sore eye, leprosy, itches, blood pressure, lose of energy, diseases of female organs, bone fracture urinal diseases, boils, tumours, cancer, piles, menstrual disorder, ulcer, dysentery, rectal disease, chicken pox, mumps, fistula, hernia, surgeries etc.

Mercury controls nerves, skin, navel, nose, spinal system, gall bladder, veins, lungs, tongue, arms, mouth, hair, teeth etc

Diseases of chest and nerves, chicken pox, epilepsy, disease of navel, nose and gall bladder, poisonous diseases, typhoid, madness, paralysis, fits, ulcer, indigestion, cholera, skin and mouth diseases, neurofibroma, vertigo.

Jupiter controls Thighs, fat, brain, lungs, liver, kidney, ear, memory, tongue and spleen, semen et

Diseases of liver, kidneys, lungs and ears, diabetes, lack of memory, malady of tongue, thighs, pancreas spleen and dropsy, jaundice, tumours, albumin in urine, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, abscesses, jaundice etc.

Venus control Face, eye sight, genital organs, semen, urine, lustre of body, throat, water in body and glands, chin, looks etc.

Diseases of face and eye, venereal diseases, fading away of bodily lustre, fits, indigestion, throat trouble, diabetes, sexual incompetence, throat, water in body and glands, chin.

Saturn control Legs, joint bones, muscles, limbs, teeth, skin and hair. Knees, earn, spleen, nervous system etc.

Weekness, stomach pain, damage and loss of limbs, bone fracture, diseases of bones, teeth, skin and lags, rheumatic pains, blindness, ugly hair, mental worry, wounds, muscle pains, paralysis, hysteria, deafness, tumours, baldness, depression etc.

Rahu control Feet, breathing, neck, nervous system, body pain etc

Lung problems, diseases in feet, ulcers, boils, leprosy, difficulties in breathing, enlargement of spleen, cataract and hydrocele, varicose veins, hiccoughs, stammering, poisoning, pains, leprosy, paralysis etc.

Ketu control Belly, feet.

Lung problems, fever, eye-pain, stomach pain, boils, pains in body, diseases from unknown causes, intestine worms, low blood pressure, defect in speech and ear, brain diseases, phobias, wounds, surgeries, burning sensation, boils etc.

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