Friday, January 31, 2020


ARIES:- Right now you want to be the life of the party, to spend time with friends and in clubs and groups. Work is making steep demands of you though. Continue to work hard, to participate in trainings and build up new skills. Ignore enemies intent on gossip. Instead, find comfort in time with loved ones. Your mood swings make you vulnerable to the outer world today. You now get a mixed bag of good and bad (it actually depends on how you perceive things), where chances of you're succeeding is high, there is also a possibility of mishap. There is possibility of ill health, accidents or injuries, since both the good and bad could be intensified.

TAURUS:- A romantic partner may be looking for more attention from you. Make some time for romance. Work is rewarding right now, with plenty of outlets for your intelligence and creativity. You've been working hard and others have noticed. Your leadership qualities are in demand. It's time to listen to the inner call. Allow your intuitions to override your heart. Don't worry about things going exactly right. You will come out the winner even if you are rocked off course. The tranquility that prevails will enlighten you. New plans taking shape now will come to fruition in the future.

GEMINI:- You may be feeling disconnected from your own past and your own memories right now. Taking a short journey to connect with relatives or spiritual beliefs will revive you. This may be a useful moment to enroll in a training or a course in higher education. Avoid risky monetary decisions. Finances might feel sparse right now but financial gain is headed your way. You feel emotionally in tune with your friends today. You appreciate their company and support in the things you are currently pursuing, be it charity or pleasure. A realization of your intense bonds with others brings you pleasure. Tell friends how much they mean to you. You will be amazed by their responses.

CANCER:- You may find yourself waiting on money right now. Opportunities and new beginning are before you. You may have to travel or take new courses to find them though. Be attentive to family right now, as a loved one may be going through a loss or setback. Career success is underway or imminent. Whether you take new direction or continue on your established path, expect great results. Rid yourself of fears and face life head on. You can take the ordinary into the extraordinary. Take calculated risks after hearing suggestions from others. You won't be disappointed with the results.

LEO:- You may be contemplating a big purchase, perhaps one involving jewelry, decorations or other valuables. Make decisions with care. Try and find a balance in your personal finances. A relationship may be ready to move to the next level. Facing recent disbelief and confusion leaves you in a more settled frame of mind. You are feeling introspective, interested in getting in touch with your inner self. Questions about morality and social custom may require consideration. The unexpected may require you to travel, or may interfere with your travel plans. Clarity of thought and action is what you need now.

VIRGO:- A recent accident or injury may be making you feel self conscious or weakened in some way. Allow yourself a fresh start, maybe trying out a new job or training program. With hard work, the competition will fade away. Here comes the path to your glory. An opportunity arises today. Take a gamble and you won't be disappointed. Caring for others' feelings may be challenging today but multi-tasking will make it possible. On the whole, your day will be filled with love and happiness. Just embrace life wholeheartedly.

LIBRA:- A loss or separation may be weighing on you. Find solace in faith or in connection with family or a romantic partner. Avoid risky expenditures. They will not relieve your sense of loneliness. Change is inevitable so work to embrace it. Expect insights and pearls of wisdom from unexpected sources. Success seems to come easily today. There is a lot to be achieved and nothing feels impossible. Focus on your goals and listen to the advice of loved ones. You need emotional reciprocity from your environment today. You'll win everyone's heart with your own personality, enthusiasm and determination.

SCORPIO:- Enjoy some fun with a parent or older sibling. The relationships you establish now could become useful networking opportunities later. You are feeling flirtatious and carefree. Enjoy it but don't be careless with money as a big purchase such a car or a house repair could be on the horizon. Embarking on grand plans yields favorable results. Friend and foe alike offer you their support. You feel newly prepared to revolutionize your ideas as well as your approach to work. The results will be fascinating, gained by your hard work and effective time management.

SAGITTARIUS:- Before the reward, there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you reap joy. Your leadership skills are appreciated at work. Your ability to make effective decisions and follow through has been noticed by those at the top. While you might face some confusion, you are now in pursuit of knowledge. You are also looking for love in various forms. Don't restrict yourself to one passion; explore other activities, such as games, dance or music, which give you equal pleasure.

CAPRICORN:- A father figure has guidance to offer you right now. Travel may be in store. You might feel suddenly drawn to religion, perhaps exploring a new faith. Enrolling in a new course or program will aid you in the long run. Your home life is more troubled than usual right now but that doesn't mean that you need to head out and not look back! You are looking for comfort and security with loved ones. Take time off to resolve problems at home. Keep calm and think hard before reaching any conclusions. A conflict, an argument or some annoyance with/to father or father like figures (including bosses and mentors) is possible.

AQUARIUS:- Sharing a secret you have been holding in will be beneficial, especially if it deals with health. Unexpected financial gains may be headed your way. Use them wisely, taking care to plan for the future. A connection from your past may suddenly return on the scene, leading to conflict. Being honest and rational will alleviate any sorrow or humiliation. Your need for communication, short trips and visits increases today. You may be immersed in sensitive matters concerning those closest to your heart. Be cautious in speech to avoid hurting someone. Short travel could be scheduled, bringing you closer to family and friends. Make sure what you start today reaches completion; otherwise, your ideas might not yield the desired results.

PISCES:- You may be feeling restrained or limited in a relationship right now. It is time to make a big decision. First make sure you weigh and consider all angles. Look to dreams and insights from family to guide you. If conflict surrounds you, try and stay out of the fray. Make time for rest and quietude. Your expenses want attention now, as they may exceed your income. Some financial hurdles may be before you. Honestly assess your own potential and the clarity of your aspirations. In other words, more important than the quest for certainty is the quest for clarity right now.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


ARIES:- Debts and obstacles may be on your mind, causing you considerable worry. Continue to work hard and the obstacles facing you will disappear. Make time for leisure activities where you can be in friendly company. In groups and clubs your charm is magnetic right now. Only you can decide if the glass is half empty or half full. Be flexible in your outlook. What seems like an obstacle may be an opportunity in disguise. Now's a good time to recommit to your health. Getting in shape will be satisfying and will make you feel great!You can more confidently rely on your instincts now, and you react well to competition. Something shall heighten your feelings, awakens your impulses, and stirs your passions, mostly in a positive way. Do something that breaks the routine or that you've always wanted to do but have been hesitating to do due to shyness or fear. You'll pull it off with finesse now.

TAURUS:- Trust your gut in a deal offered right now. If it doesn't feel right, feel free to work away. Work offers new opportunities right now, especially since your leadership skills and creativity have been noticed. A spouse or partner may be feel neglecting so save some time for romance. A loved one's needs your time and attention and might even disrupt the daily course of your day. Attend to them rather than trying to avoid them. Introspection could be helpful now. Take care to avoid alcohol and other vices, and do not drink and drive. Spend time with family and loved ones.

GEMINI:- A short journey, maybe to a peaceful natural setting, reconnects you to your spiritual center and revive pleasant memories. A parent or child may be in need of your care right now. Place emphasis on domestic affairs, on making sure life is tranquil at home, and you will find good fortune in coming days. Networking is key today. Enjoy the moment and savor good company. You will feel like networking, sharing new idea or performing service work for your community. Let go of grudges, stay focused and you will enjoy revelry and new opportunities.

CANCER:- Work and money troubles consume your mind at present. Take a short trip to distract yourself. Write, photograph, engage in activities that satisfy your creative spirit. New opportunities await and along with them another source of income. Professionally, this is one of the best days of the month for you. You may win accolades for work you've done. Listen to others as they have valuable insights and opportunities to offer. If you are warm and receptive others will be eager to help.

LEO:- Speak up at a meeting today. Your viewpoint on a contract or sale is needed. Enjoy a meal with close companions. The sights, sounds and smell of home are worth more than any worldly possession. Start the day on a positive note and the best will come your way. You're full of energy and may want to indulge in hobbies and travel. Unexpected problems may test you but you'll handle them well. Remember that the ultimate measure of an individual is how they respond in times of challenge and controversy.

VIRGO:- Legal concerns may be a barrier to happiness at present. Continue to put in effort at work and you will see new opportunities headed your way. Ignore the talk of enemies and concentrate on those that depend on you and bring your a sense of self-worth and belonging. Romantic excitement brightens your day. If not committed, now may be the time to take that step. If feeling stressed, solicit the help of others. You'll feel better if you confide in loved ones. Relax and let yourself enjoy the small things in life.

LIBRA:- Take time to be alone if you are feeling self-destructive. Be diplomatic and exercise restraint in your relationships. This is a time to look inward, to be creative and meditative. If you have endured a loss, perhaps of a grandparent or grandparent figure, look to friends and loved ones for solace and hope. In the right mood, life is a party. That's how it feels lately. Spending time with loved one occupies much of your time. Advice from others help you achieve your true potential. You realize that you already have everything that you need to be successful in your endeavors.

SCORPIO:- You are feeling success right now with cash to burn. Avoid being indulgent. Save some money for a rainy day, for a project at home that might require your funds or skills. Make time for relaxing excursions with friends or siblings, maybe camping or travelling. Keep networking possibilities in mind as some interesting new relationships are about to enter your life. Concentrate on your job and avoid getting embroiled in several activities at the same time. Stay focused on the big picture. Work will be entertaining and engrossing today, with goals within reach. You feel productive and capable of finish all tasks at hand. Spend your energy addressing the complexities of relationships.

SAGITTARIUS:- Work is a place of opportunity right now. You have been working hard and others have been taking notice as your reputation soars. It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and one bad one to lose it. A time to rock and roll, throw a party, invite friends and reignite the passions and desires. Be careful not to get carried away, especially with drugs, alcohol or sex. You may be both excited and anxious about a new relationship in the making. Spend time with family and children too, as the stars indicate a hectic week ahead.

CAPRICORN:- Intellectual pursuits appeal to you right now. It may be time to head back to school and learn something new. You may be required to travel soon. Set legal affairs in order and take some time to explore spiritual matters as well. A father figure has a prominent role to play right now. Exercise restraint and control your temper to protect recent gains. Your emotions rule your head and family matters may outweigh work concerns. A return to the past may summon nostalgia. You may feel moody and insecurity. Take time for yourself to think, rethink and solve internal problems.

AQUARIUS:- Take care of your health, especially any issues you have been ignoring. Avoiding vice and unwise sexual relationships will lead to increased wellness. Spiritual matters may be on your mind and may serve as a way to work through current conflicts. A flashback from your past may sudden reappear. You may feel overloaded with responsibilities right now. Various modes of communication keep you connected with those individuals on your mind. Watch your words when you interact to avoid awkward situations. Professional and personal communication will be fruitful and possibly emotional. Keep a check on your tongue and don't say things that you yourself would not want to hear.

PISCES:- Legal plans or contracts require your attention right now. Solicit advice for your spouse or significant other. This may be a moment for seclusion as you may need to attend to health or wellness concerns. Stay out of conflicts and avoid unwise connections. The money issues you've been
facing are now at the forefront. Adjusting your monthly expenses should solve the majority of your problems. Channel your resources towards promising options instead of items you don't really need. Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it NOW.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


ARIES:- You are in a social mood, ready to celebrate recent successes. You may be on the brink of a major decision, perhaps marriage even if you are currently unwed. Review contracts and deeds of sale with care. Be sure to curtail expense spending. Save some money for a rainy day. You are eager for a fresh start. Use this momentum to change some personal habits or refresh your appearance. Enjoy today's inspiring mood to make reasonable changes to your routine and outlook. Time to show the world your true self and have fun doing it!

TAURUS:- A relationship may be coming to an end, leaving you feeling sad and alone. Take comfort in the company of family and pets. Keep your head down at work and continue to work hard. Ignore the talk of enemies. Your leadership skills are attracting attention and will yield rewards. You may feel a heightened sensitivity right now and a need to get in touch with yourself. Time spent alone can be productive, allowing you to take stock of your own talents and abilities. Don't let your heart lead your brain unreasonably. Prioritize what needs to be accomplished and find out the best way to do so.

GEMINI:- You are in a creative mode right now, full of spiritual insight. Enjoy leisure time with friends and family but be sure to travel with care to avoid injury or accidents. Avoid risky behavior choices. A short journey may culminate in the end of a relationship. You may feel pulled to join a group or organization right now in order to network. You are in touch with the moods of those around you and could even be adversely impacted by them. Your sense of belonging (or lack thereof) may propel you to catch up with old friends and family.

CANCER:- Domestic matters are costing you money and peace of mind right now. Fix what is broken. Research plans for renovation. Religious conflict may be an issue at home or in conversation with a parent. Speak from your heart. You are looking to get plans approved and set achievements in motion. You are eager to take the lead. Discontent with your situation in life may come to the forefront. Recognition and material success feel increasingly important. Reach out to others for assistance if needed.

LEO:- Be courageous and speak your mind. Close companions are ready to listen. New opportunities may arrive in the form of contracts or business meetings. Make time for those at home, especially a significant other who may be looking to commit more fully. Freedom on all levels is the focus. You feel a need to spread out and grow, intellectually as well as spiritually. New experiences and dreams are all favored. Plan a trip or take a small risk. You're feeling restless so explore a new point of view on your life.

VIRGO:- Be cautious with money now, avoiding debts or large purchases. People and pets are depending on you so commute carefully to avoid accidents or injuries. Hard work may leave to future wealth. For now, enjoy food and music shared with family. You are now seeking new experiences and intense bonds. Emotional commitments are important to you as you search for meaning. Money and material comforts demand your attention. Finances and romance are in the spotlight. While something in your life may be ending, try and approach this objectively and focus on what you already have.

LIBRA:- New creative insights are driving you right now. Pursue new opportunities with confidence. Follow your gut. Taking a chance now will lead to greater fortune and satisfaction in the future. You look into increasing your income, learning and assessing your position, financially. Personal relationships will engross you today. You require emotional contact. You may be anxious about partnerships, contracts or business transactions. Your charisma and dedication will impress others. Your openness is the key to your success. Now's a good time to try and get friends to open up to you.

SCORPIO:- A loss or separation forces you back home again. Take this opportunity to fix what is broken and to look for peace of mind. A grandparent or elder may require your care. Even a short car trip could alleviate your feeling of imprisonment or restraint. Rest and avoid hedonistic indulgences. This is a time for introspection. Put off making important decision about work and career changes, as you may be feeling indecisive today. Work on ideas that have been on your mind. New connections will improve your efficiency and money management. Always remember that dreams and ideas never yield a penny until you work hard to accomplish them.

SAGITTARIUS:- You are ready to celebrate recent financial gains. Your charisma paves the way for new relationships. Friends and siblings are ready to celebrate with you as you step out to that 'talk of the town' club, dancing to the melodious tunes. You feel expressive and even outrageous today, surging with confidence. You need to be heard, seen and noticed. You feel a desire to exhibit your personal flair. An invitation to see a movie or play may arrive. Enjoy life to the fullest, within reason of course.

CAPRICORN:- Now's the time to celebrate. Your hard work has paid off. Evaluations have been positive. Co-workers and supervisors alike are ready to commend you for your efforts. Enjoy the glory of the moment! You've earned it. Your thoughts turn inwards and toward household affairs today. You need more personal space than usual, looking for security and comfort. The past is on your mind, especially memories of safety and peace. Think about building a safe and permanent foundation for the future. Long term planning always helps.

AQUARIUS:- This is lucky moment for you. You may have a chance to travel or start some new training or class. A mentor in your life, perhaps your father or a father figure, will help you on your path right now. Keeping up with your schedule may prove challenging today. Exchange ideas with others, especially siblings and neighbors. Expect sudden calls or emails. Deepen a connection with a woman who's close to you. It's a good time to start thinking about your future, especially in terms of a relationship.

PISCES:- A recent loss or setback may have you feeling down and alone. Look to spirituality or the supernatural to gain new understanding. Avoid excessive risk taking or unwise ventures. Change is inevitable so be prepared. The spotlight in on security today, both emotional and financial security. Practice self-care and resolve conflicts. Avoid risky monetary decisions. Engaging in sensible planning for the future will put you at ease and make you feel secure. Evaluate your income and spending, and seek balance in life. Remain goal oriented.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


ARIES:- Family conflicts may be a source of stress at the moment. Call or attend a meeting to weigh important decision. Be sure to keep your significant other in the loop. Take a break and enjoy leisure time with a group of friends. Avoid making major decisions today. Give yourself more time to think things through. Work to help those in need. You will feel immensely satisfied if you do. Material wealth may have slipped down your priority list today. Emotional well being matters most to you right now. Sow the seeds of the future today through introspection and careful decision making. What you sow now, so shall you reap later.

TAURUS:- The daily grind feels rewarding right now, as you are offered opportunities commensurate with your talents. Take advantage of a new training or class offered to you. Money worries may soon be resolved. It's time to enjoy the golden moments of your life again. You feel at peace and want to be yourself and forget about the larger world. Relax and enjoy, taking care not to neglect family. Maintaining balance and close connections is the key for a happy life. Be yourself and don't let enjoyment rule your life.

GEMINI:- Trust your gut right now. It might not be an ideal moment to go on that short trip you had planned. Restrictions may be set in your way. Avoid unnecessary risk taking but enjoy the light hearted mood you are in right now. A teacher or paternal figure may need you now as they experience a loss. You feel unstoppable today, ready to talk your way into a coveted position. Recognition is now yours. Be caution in your conversations and remain positive in your relationships. Keep in the right frame of mind and all conflicts will be peacefully resolved.

CANCER:- Tend to the needs of parents and children. Family comes first right now. Monetary issues can wait, especially since a new source of income may be coming your way. Share your thoughts and affections with those closest to you right now. Out of the blue, something may change the direction of your current situation, leading to prosperity and growth. Overseas connections could lead to new professional alliances. Fascinating people may accompany you on travel leading to longstanding camaraderie. Use tact to keep the peace in friendships. The closer you are to a person, the more vital kindness and courtesy become.

LEO:- Interesting new opportunities await you. You may find them in a meeting you are asked to attend or a contract or proposal you are offered. You may go on a short trip, perhaps with a significant other. See the sights and take plenty of pictures. Communication is critical right now so don't forget to keep in touch.
Yesterday I dared to struggle; today I dare to win. This describes your current situation aptly. Obstacles give way to opportunities and success will come your way. Relationships flourish and new ones may require formal business arrangements. Without even realizing it, you are headed towards victory. Even your smile can win the battle now and be a source of joy.

VIRGO:- You have been hard at work, trying to advance on the job. Money may be headed your way. Be sure to settle up debts and save more than you spend. A health concern, perhaps involving an uncle, has you concerned. Find comfort in time spent with relatives. When the desire is strong enough, the universe conspires to make it happen. Your dreams of love and professional success propel you towards honesty and truth. Believe in yourself and dream big as this is the day when your every thought counts. Monumental events may unfold, depending on your state of mind.

LIBRA:- You are assessing your strengths and weaknesses now, as you consider some new opportunity before you. Enlist the support of a grandfather or grandfatherly figure. Diplomatic relationship will give you the chance to display your intelligence and creativity. Don't be drawn into gambling. Save you money and time for meaningful pursuits. The passion you radiate makes you the center of attention. Your sweat and toil will be appreciated. It's time to rejoice, to serve others and learn more about yourself in the process. Be careful not to neglect your health while taking pleasure in work.

SCORPIO:- Being with parents and loved ones will bring relief from any loneliness or grief. Vivid dreams offer compelling visions. Allow yourself the time for introspection and spiritual reflection. You may hear a bad news concerning an elderly. The poet and artist within you demands extreme and ecstatic experiences. Love and lust may be confused at times but it isn't a bad idea to take a companion out on a romantic date. Emotions take precedence over finances as you explore your creative side. If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.
If you trust your instincts, they will not fail you. Don't bet the home, but small risks taken with confidence pay off. One success leads to another. Fortune unfolds one moment at a time, and with patience builds an edifice of felicity. You can be lucky without having to trust in luck.

SAGITTARIUS:- You are feeling confident, ready to kick back and enjoy your recent successes. Your buoyant attitude charms those around you. Flirt, have fun and make some new friends. Luck is on your side right now. Domestic and parental issues are your focus for today. Confront the situation on its own term. Take time off from your busy schedule to relax and recuperate. Personal issues that have been neglected may take center stage today. Care for your health and give yourself some richly deserved rest.

CAPRICORN:- A raise or a change in title may be yours right now. You've been working diligently and your investment has not be in vain. Others appreciate your talents and are ready to offer positive feedback and monetary rewards. Your company pleases others, as they rely on your intellect. Your ability to find creative solutions to problems is at its best and will make wonderful things happen. You will find yourself empathic to others' issues. He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own. This feels particularly true now.Showing your feelings may not be the best thing to do right now. Keeping to yourself could save you from unwanted entanglements. Be staunch, do not stoop to complain, and you will gain the respect of all for your worldly reticence. Send requests through channels and things will flow more easily.

AQUARIUS:- You are in a spiritual mood, looking for answers about life's purpose. Travelling, perhaps abroad, will help you find these answers. A father figure or teacher will have a prominent role to play. Enjoy the good fortune that is headed your way! Connecting with loved ones and accomplishing workplace goals are your focus of the day. You want to spend money, as well as time, on loved ones today but don't overdo it. Prudence now will help you avoid financial strain later. As it is famously said, when restraint and courtesy are added to strength, the latter becomes irresistible.

PISCES:- Watching the suffering of others may make you feel especially helpless at present. If you are feeling unheard or blamed, take time to be alone. Indulging in vices or gambling would be unwise. You need to attend to your health right now, both physically and emotionally. Positive change waits ahead. Don't let restlessness sap your vitality today. You are feeling lively and strong and are ready to channel that into your work. Exciting new personal and professional connections will enter your life. Action is the foundational key to all success, lay the foundation strong, act fast and act wise.