Saturday, November 30, 2019


Aries - Trust your gut right now. It might not be an ideal moment to go on that short trip you had planned. Restrictions may be set in your way. Avoid unnecessary risk taking but enjoy the light hearted mood you are in right now. A teacher or paternal figure may need you now as they experience a loss. Friendship is in the air! New contacts and even old adversaries are now ready to help you. You will be assisted, and will help others, with projects and deals. Spend more time around people. If you want to make friends, first you need to put yourself out there.

Taurus - Tend to the needs of parents and children. Family comes first right now. Monetary issues can wait, especially since a new source of income may be coming your way. Share your thoughts and affections with those closest to you right now. Today pending work will be resolved. You will attract considerable attention from colleagues. Opportunity and luck are both on your side so make the most of it. You will surely grab everyone's attention so just give it your best shot. Be ready to reap the benefits!

Gemini - Interesting new opportunities await you. You may find them in a meeting you are asked to attend or a contract or proposal you are offered. You may go on a short trip, perhaps with a significant other. See the sights and take plenty of pictures. Communication is critical right now so don't forget to keep in touch. Sudden changes are possible but you are well armed to handle them. Don't get bogged down in the nitty gritty right now. Anxiety is possible on the domestic front but all will resolve itself. New beginnings are possible which will offer festivity and gaiety. Don't get carried away and remain rational.

Cancer - You have been hard at work, trying to advance on the job. Money may be headed your way. Be sure to settle up debts and save more than you spend. A health concern, perhaps involving an uncle, has you concerned. Find comfort in time spent with relatives. Money/finances are your primary concern. You may need to scout around for resources and will perhaps find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Property, cash flow and other similar matters require your attention. Catch the bull by its horn and solve life's problems as they come. Overcome your inhibitions and luck will come your way.

Leo - You are assessing your strengths and weaknesses now, as you consider some new opportunity before you. Enlist the support of a grandfather or grandfatherly figure. Diplomatic relationship will give you the chance to display your intelligence and creativity. Don't be drawn into gambling. Save you money and time for meaningful pursuits. Strike while the iron's hot to resolve any legal hassles today. Personal or professional conflict will be resolved. Change is inevitable so be flexible and adaptable. You'll surpass all romantic expectations. High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.

Virgo - Being with parents and loved ones will bring relief from any loneliness or grief. Vivid dreams offer compelling visions. Allow yourself the time for introspection and spiritual reflection. You may hear a bad news concerning an elderly. You need a break from the roller coaster ride of work, duties and responsibilities. Spend time with dear ones and enjoy some needed quiet. Your client and colleagues appreciate your focus on your work. You tend to strike a balance between your work and home but make sure that you don't burnout while managing many things at the same time.

Libra - You are feeling confident, ready to kick back and enjoy your recent successes. Your buoyant attitude charms those around you. Flirt, have fun and make some new friends. Luck is on your side right now. Romance is in the air! Material pleasures take a backseat to more satisfying emotional ones.If you're not committed, now may be the time to try. Your main desire right now is to love and be loved.Cupid's ready with his bow and air, just around the corner. Work hard, party harder is the theme of the day.

Scorpio - A raise or a change in title may be yours right now. You've been working diligently and your investment has not be in vain. Others appreciate your talents and are ready to offer positive feedback and monetary rewards. The day begins on a bright note with much happiness at both work and home. Revive family bonds and you will enjoy a sense of security and emotional reciprocity. Spend time relaxing with those who care for you, those you would do anything for. Family and personal matters take priority over worldly affairs just now.

Sagittarius - You are in a spiritual mood, looking for answers about life's purpose. Travelling, perhaps abroad, will help you find these answers. A father figure or teacher will have a prominent role to play. Enjoy the good fortune that is headed your way! You're at your creative best today. Your focus shifts from work to home. You feel a need to connect, maybe by going on a short trip to visit loved ones. Caring for children and those in need occupy your time. But as they say -- Excess of virtue is a vice

Capricorn - Watching the suffering of others may make you feel especially helpless at present. If you are feeling unheard or blamed, take time to be alone. Indulging in vices or gambling would be unwise. You need to attend to your health right now, both physically and emotionally. Positive change waits ahead. Being practical is the key to success today. You're sure of your priorities and are able to effectively juggle all the demands on your time and resources. Excellence can be obtained if you care more than others think is wise; risk more than others think is safe; dream more than others think is practical; expect more than others think is possible. THINK BIG THINK DIFFERENT.

Aquarius - Family conflicts may be a source of stress at the moment. Call or attend a meeting to weigh important decision. Be sure to keep your significant other in the loop. Take a break and enjoy leisure time with a group of friends. Lost connections are on your mind. Reach out to old friends and relatives you haven't seen in awhile. They will be glad to hear from you. By revisiting the past, you'll feel refreshed and confident. Those you miss are thinking of you too. Just remember -- don't be your own worst enemy.

There could be a departure from the norm. Plans may change direction unexpectedly. Part of you is itching for change, and this could be the reason why you are more likely to attract unusual circumstances now. It always helps to have a rescue plan/backup ready.

Pisces - The daily grind feels rewarding right now, as you are offered opportunities commensurate with your talents. Take advantage of a new training or class offered to you. Money worries may soon be resolved. Now is an ideal time for introspection. It will help you focus on your personal strength. Hold back if you are in doubt. Re-evaluation does not need to be a miserable prospect. Contemplation will leave you feeling stronger and more prepared. Your chance of success right now will be measured by your belief in yourself.

Friday, November 29, 2019


Aries  - An accident or injury may have you locked in a legal dispute. Take a trip or enroll in a class to get your present worries off your mind. Good fortune is headed your way, perhaps even in the form of money or a new career option. You've never felt as professionally satisfied as you do today. Paying attention to others' ideas and requests will help you in the long run. Expressing the right idea at the right place and at the right time is the real challenge. If you wish to embark upon anything this is the day and now is the moment.

Taurus - Spirituality and creativity motivate you most right now. Work may be causing you a great deal of stress. Take time for romance and to be with those closest to you. Relationships that are unfulfilling may be ending. New opportunities and new sources of income may be headed your way very soon. Dream big today. Plan your journeys carefully to avoid any last minute complications. You may meet interesting people today, strangers who will steer you in a completely different direction. Enjoy favorite pastimes and hobbies. Festivity will be the order of the day so make the most of it.

Gemini - You may be needed to meetings, perhaps to discuss domestic affairs. Tend to family matters right now, as they are first and foremost in your mind. It may be time to make a decision on a large scale plan. Spend time with your spouse or significant other today. Where there is love there is life and this happens right now. Newly found relations will pep life up and bring about an enthusiasm that you had been missing lately; those who are not in a relationship may have to look for fun at other places. Problematic issues will be settled forever to your greatest satisfaction.

This influence brings imagination to your mental pursuits. In business terms, it's a strong influence for negotiation, trading and communications. A positive connection to a younger person may be made now, whether it's a new connection or simply a boost to an existing relationship.

Cancer - You may have a chance to travel, perhaps for job training or work obligation. If health or debts are causing you worry, communicate with those close to you, by phone, email, text or in person. Listen to the advice of family. New opportunities will be yours once you move past these present difficulties. Your desire to love and be loved is visible now as you spend happy times with friends and family. Professionally, your skills and positive attitude empower your endeavors. You realize that you already have everything that you need to be successful in your endeavors.

Leo - Enjoy leisure time with family, especially children or a significant other. Balancing your finances should be possible if you avoid gambling or unwise speculation. Speak up and voice concerns on your mind but do so with diplomacy. A grandfather or grandfather figure has an important role to play right now. Cheerful mood, good health and a youthful rested spirit will help you putting your best foot out at work. Your diligence yields recognition and your example inspires others. Don't get embroiled in minor issues; save your energy for real challenges. You may feel an urge to clean-up and reorganize. This is a fine time to focus on work, well-being and personal habits.

Virgo - Time spent at home brings opportunities for peace and meaningful connection. You may find yourself facing an opportunity to study something new or change residence. Conversations with family, especial a maternal figure, will bolster your self-worth. One of the best days of the month as you feel energized with a rekindled passion to experience extremity. Your excitement level is high but don't forget the realities in this frenzy. You may have to bear the consequences of your actions so act responsibly. An affair or a serious relationship is in the cards. Go enjoy and have fun!

This influence brings imagination to your mental pursuits. In business terms, it's a strong influence for negotiation, trading and communications. A positive connection to a younger person may be made now, whether it's a new connection or simply a boost to an existing relationship.

Libra - Sudden change is weighing on you. You don't feel like communicating. You'd rather be alone. Take time to meditate or write down your dreams. Answers may be waiting in your own subconscious. Visit with elders and see life through their eyes. Destructive habits should be avoided at all cost. You continue to feel pulled between home and work concerns. Your emotions rule your head and family is your top priority. You feel nostalgic and impulsive but don't let your emotions run wild. Find time for yourself, to think, rethink and solve internal problems.

Scorpio - You are feeling newly rich right now and ready to share that wealth with friends and family. Enjoy good company. Others are drawn to your charisma right now. New connections made now may prove helpful in the future. You're a busy bee today, occupied with extra responsibilities, travel and communication. New contacts may be established while loved ones find delight in a creative aspect of your personality. Your past may figure in your discussions today so chose your words with care. Good words are worth much and cost little; bad words are worth a penny and cost too much.

You are more given to emotional extremes, and you have an "all or nothing" attitude. Emotional entanglements are possible now, although many of these could only be happening inside of you. Avoid an "if you are not for me, you're against me" attitude.

Sagittarius - Enjoy the praise that is offered. You have earned this success. You will be recognized for your hard work and leadership qualities. A change in status may be on the horizon. Revel in the promotion or raise. You will undertake new ventures at home and at work. You are searching for more financial satisfaction and are on the lookout for new opportunities. Be organized and informed to avoid being duped. Be wary of excess spending. Don't let your need become your greed. Greed is a demon that's never satisfied.

Capricorn - You are in a spiritual mood right now, perhaps even feeling world weary. Taking a break from the strife around you would be healthy and wise. A trip may be in order, perhaps in the company of a parent or mentor. Look inward and examine your own religious views right now. Even if ill health has been on your mind, today offers much satisfying work. Keep your emotions in check and you will feel prepared to overcome any obstacle. Work will be creative and uplifting. You will feel rewarded and empowered pursuing your goals. Enjoy your professional successes and feel self-confident.

You are not easily swept away by your feelings now, enabling you to effectively tend to work. Authority figures or people who are older than you could figure prominently now. It's easier for you to buckle down and work, organize, and plan.

Aquarius - Enjoy social events but don't overdo it. Avoid the health dangers of vices. Someone in your life, perhaps a relative or mentor, is facing a setback or illness. A vestige from your past may suddenly reappear. Handle change with grace since it is unavoidable. Today is a perfect day to show loved ones how much you care. Don't hold back. Express your true feelings for them. Take care when on the road. Traveling by public transport is advisable. Avoid alcohol and other things that cloud your judgment.

Pisces - An important decision requires your attention. Work may involve meetings and contracts right now as you work to close a deal. Play attention to the needs of those closest to you in order to resolve any conflicts at home. A need for companionships coaxes you to reach out to loved ones. Don't wait for others to seek you out. Approach like-minded people and share ideas. Open your heart but speak with care. Harness the feeling of belongingness and the world will be at your doorstep.

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Aries - Those who depend on you may be causing you worry. Keep working hard and you will see good fortune in days ahead. You are establishing your reputation as someone who is dependable and diligent. If family or loved ones are in need, make their comfort a priority, perhaps taking a short trip to be with them. You may feel like the reins of life are beyond your control. You are waiting for others to notice your talents and poise. Share your ideas and go after the success you seek. If Plan A doesn't work, remember that there are 25 other letters in the alphabet!

You are biking with the wind behind you, which gives you extra smooth power that effortlessly eats up the miles. Keep up the pace without straining so when it's time to take a rest or the wind changes, you'll have the accomplishment you need under your belt. Sustain without strain for the greatest gain.

Taurus - A professional setback may be weighing on you. Take a break and have some fun. Amusement with a partner or children will lighten your mood. Avoid risky ventures and ask advice from elders. Be diplomatic in relationships that are tense right now. Newfound freedom empowers you at all levels. Spiritually and intellectually you feel free. An adventure or task breaks the monotony of recent days. Avoid rash decisions. You are at your best when you apply introspection to the choices before you.

Heightened appetites (of all sorts) are likely, as will be opportunities to fulfill them. Pick as you would from a smorgasbord and don't try to grab everything - the taste is what counts, volume only slows you down. Variety is the spice, intensity the sweetness, whatever or whoever is involved.

Gemini - A big purchase may be on your mind right now, perhaps a needed repair or renovation. Tend to matters at home and you will find peace in the long term. You may find yourself in conflict with a parent, perhaps over finances or religious matters. Talk openly and focus on working through family conflicts. That it will not come again makes the day electrifying and there is a need for spontaneity in decision making. There may be a mishap and something might achieve its destiny. Avoid brushing things beneath the rug and face things as they are.

Cancer - Legal concerns and financial matters may prompt a short ride, phone calls, emails and pings. New work opportunities wait ahead of you. Music and dance offer a chance to relieve some stress. Time with children or pets take your mind off your current worries. You need emotional contact with others today. Your ability to reach out to people will help you both personally and professionally. You now draw up expansive plans for the future. Back these up with commitment and hard work and you will be unstoppable. Your dedication and work ethic have been noticed. Your openness is the key to your success today.

Leo - Legal concerns and financial matters may prompt a short ride, phone calls, emails and pings. New work opportunities wait ahead of you. Music and dance offer a chance to relieve some stress. Time with children or pets take your mind off your current worries. You need emotional contact with others today. Your ability to reach out to people will help you both personally and professionally. You now draw up expansive plans for the future. Back these up with commitment and hard work and you will be unstoppable. Your dedication and work ethic have been noticed. Your openness is the key to your success today.

Virgo - Now is a good moment to initiate a repair of renovation at home. Being around loved ones will allow you to assess your station in life and form new plans. A change of appearance, perhaps a fresh hairstyle, may be in order. The outside world fascinates and delights you right now. You can expect a sudden desire/invitation to see a movie, explore the arena, play a game, or take in a play and that might be a reason for your delight. Enjoy yourself but don't let rationality leave you.

Libra - You need a break from the world. Sleep, rest and let yourself dream. A recent loss pains you. Don't look to destructive habits to deal with your sorrow. Instead, meditate, pray or seek the solace of loved ones. Time for self-care is never wasted. Tend to your responsibilities at home and in your community and enjoy the resulting goodwill. You feel emotionally and financially secure. Memories of the past, some bitter, some sweet, will be on your mind and will help you establish the foundations of a strong and formidable future. Let bygones be bygones. Long term planning always helps.

Heightened appetites (of all sorts) are likely, as will be opportunities to fulfill them. Pick as you would from a smorgasbord and don't try to grab everything - the taste is what counts, volume only slows you down. Variety is the spice, intensity the sweetness, whatever or whoever is involved.

Scorpio - Make time to listen to an elder sibling. You may find yourself engaged on social media, phones, texts, pings and notifications. Relationships are richly fulfilling at present, with many people interested in being around you. Your company is in demand. Enjoy this sociable moment. Good fortune is yours! Prepare wisely to be on time for appointments today. Visiting and communicating with others will be a highlight of the day. Today will be a success for those working in artistic fields. Expect the unexpected. A good time to socialize and renew your connections.

Saggitarius - Work is rewarding right now. Your diligence on the job has been noticed. A reward, perhaps a change in status or wages, is on its way. Your leadership qualities are noticed and admired by coworkers and superiors alike. Enjoy the success. You've earned it. Make all decisions carefully today. Remain rational and you will not be misled. Be judicious with your resources and the make the most of what you have. Wise investments will pay off. If you wish to succeed now, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brothers, and hope your guardian genius.

Capricorn - Health or financial worries may be troubling you, making you feel imprisoned or confined. Take a journey to gain some insight into your own beliefs. Make time for self-care now as change is head. Make wellness a priority. Today is one of the best days of the month to embark upon new endeavors. Your inner self never felt as connected with the outside world as it does today. Some reasonable changes to your looks, attitude and surrounding will reap benefits. Take care not to overdo it but enjoy!

Aquarius - A recent loss may be a source of grief right now. Avoid vices or risky behaviors as they will only lead to humiliation or ill health. Take pleasure in social interactions with friends who will find you warm and engaging. Good fortune is waiting for you in coming days. You are trying to get in touch with your true self right now. This is an ideal day for asking yourself the larger questions of life like "who am I?" and "what am I meant to do?". Gather your thoughts and sort out your priorities. Enjoy peace and solitude as you establish goals to move forward.

Taking the unbeaten path can net you a short cut that saves time and money, so think your way out of the box and don't be afraid to take an original leap. If you keep your feet on the ground, you can be a lightning rod for new ideas that will go to the bank with your name on them.

Pisces - You may feel mired down in conflict at home. Talking things through with a spouse or partner is the best course of action. A large scale decision needs to be made. At work, enjoy the fruits of your labor. You've been working hard so savor the positive feedback. This is an ideal time to revive old friendships. You may feel a strong desire to be part of a social group. Be more outgoing and expressive. Reach out to old friends and to relatives. Try to put others' needs before your own. It will help you feel more connected and in touch with those around you.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Aries - Legal affairs loom large right now. You may be worried about money or workplace competition. Don't allow this to break your concentration. Continue to work hard, to enroll in new training or education, to travel if needed. Good fortune will be yours in no time! New and exciting work may come from overseas or journeys may be taken. All this leads to a sense of revitalization. With this comes growth and prosperity. You may come across interesting people and long distance relationships add vibrancy to life. A touch of compassion adds mileage to your connections and yields long range gains.

Taurus - It may be time to walk away from a relationship that is not working. Follow your gut. Be diplomatic in conflicts, especially at work. Money may already be a worry, so avoid gambling or unnecessary risk taking. Make time for fun shared with loved ones. New partnerships and collaborations may be developing now, perhaps even requiring legal attention. New opportunities will arise when you least expect them. Obstacles give way to opportunities. You're feeling optimistic. There is no limit to what you can aspire to achieving right now.

Gemini - Family strife may dominate right now, perhaps because of a recent loss. Repairs or renovations at home or on a vehicle require your attention. Don't put off issues at home. Instead, face them directly, speaking from the heart. Your parents may offer or look to you for support. Relationships and business affairs are critical now. You feel a need to connect with your life/best companion. If you're not already committed, you may discover a new connection. The stars suggest the start of very exciting relationship. Relationships are important to you so make decisions collectively. A healthy mind of head and heart will help you go a long way.

Cancer - Be careful in your travels in order to avoid an accident or injury. Communicate worries that are on your mind, perhaps about a sibling or an outstanding debt. Continue to work hard and new career opportunity will present themselves. Even former enemies may be ready to assist you soon. Today you are on the go, working hard. You will be appreciated for your contributions and treated with respect by other in your field, who now look to you for direction. Focus on your goals. Don't get bogged down in emotions. Abandon ego and embrace both friend and foe alike. That way you open up new doors of opportunities.

Leo - New creative ideas are a source of inspiration for you now. This is a fruitful time to express your passion for music, fashion or art. Negotiate fairly in your connections with others and harmonious relationships will ensue. Enjoy recreational activities but take care not to overdo it or to overspend. Love is in the air. Make time for a romantic getaway. Your own good mood surprises you. You have a sense of purpose today and feel tremendous. Interactions with others, especially the opposite sex, are satisfying. Pursue your passions to experience life more fully. Loved ones, both young and old, are pleased by your affection towards them. This gives you the ultimate satisfaction of unconditional love.

Virgo - Look for happiness in nature right now, away from the cares of the daily grind. Carefully weigh the pros and cons of a plan you are considering as it may go downstream. Tending to your physical health will bring you peace in the long term. Success lies in balancing between home and office while also finding time to care for your own well-being. Health of parents or dependents may be a cause of slight concern, demanding your attention. You may just need to confront the situation on its own terms.

Libra - You have a deep need to connect right now. Make time for an intimate connect with your spouse or significant other. Be wise in financial expenditures. This is a time to be meditative, to move slowly and act mindfully. Take pride in your proficiency at work and at home. The world is applauding you. You might engage in a ceremony or travel, for work or pleasure. Your sensitivity towards others and your help with their difficulties earns you popularity. Respect yourself and others will respect you. An act of kindness never goes unnoticed and is rewarded, now or later.

Scorpio - You're feeling lucky right now and your confidence shows. Everyone wants to be in a room with you. Enjoy new connections. They may offer networking opportunities in the future. Friends and relatives are ready to celebrate recent successes with you. Shopping is especially appealing today but be mindful of your monthly budget. Spend time with loved ones to recharge and forge memories. You are successfully balancing work and home life. Balance eases suffering and brings fulfillment.

Sagittarius - You've been hard at work recently and now it pays off. A reward in the form of money, a raise in ranks or some sudden fame will soon be yours. Your boss and co-workers are impressed by your managerial abilities and look to you for guidance. You are now seen as the true leader you are. You are the center of attention today. All eyes will be on you as you present new work so be ready for the spotlight. Keep your ego in check but enjoy your successes. Ignore jealous voices and trust those who appreciate your fervor and commitment. You're an inspiration to others.

Capricorn - Education or travel shall offer you new perspectives on your own beliefs. Remain open-minded even if you feel restricted by health or monetary concerns. A career transformation may be in store for you. Rest, reflect and prepare for it. Today is a good day for deciding a course of action but not setting out on it yet. Money is not a primary concern for the time being. You are interested in charity or volunteer work. You feel enriched by the good that you do for others. Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning is essential right now.

Aquarius - Plans for travel may be disrupted by a loss or conflict. Some person or issue from you past may resurface now. Enjoy involvement in groups and clubs where your company will be appreciated. Don't overdo though, and avoid vices or risky behavior. This is a great time to reconnect with old friends. You're in an easy going mood, no worries weighing you down. Complimenting people and appreciating them shows your affection for them. In turn you'll enjoy their attention. This is a phase in which people are more important to you than ever.

Pisces - A new purchase or trade is on your mind. Weigh the decision carefully, getting feedback from your spouse or significant other. Meetings may dominate your professional life right now. A new contract or opportunity may be headed your way. It's the best day of the month to hold interviews, conversations and discussions as now everyone seems to appreciate your ideas. Stay level-headed and you will succeed. Recognition can be a help or a hindrance. It all depends on your attitude. Try seeing things positively because at the end of the day you get nothing but the best.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Aries - A partner or close companion may accompany you on a short trip. Be careful how you travel and what you eat while you are away. You may be on the verge of a big sale or purchase. Be sure to weigh all options carefully. Make time for spiritual reflection as a break from all your monetary concern. Speak out loud the desires in your heart. Freedom presents itself to you now, perhaps in the form of a trip or just a fresh idea that lets you push the boundaries spiritually and intellectually. Enjoy this mood of boundless energy but don't throw caution to the wind. Now is the time to count your gains and consolidate your power.

Taurus - Competition at work is a source of stress. Continue to work hard and your efforts will be rewarded. The opportunity for some new training or to learn a new skill may present itself. Spend wisely right now and be careful to avoid injury or accidents during travel. Powerful bonds and emotions take the center stage as the need for vivid experiences becomes more pronounced. New meanings and dimensions to your existence fires your imagination. A critical need for finances may occupy your time and energy. Look for help as needed. Try to create more fun and enjoy romance as it comes your way. Enjoy the moment!

Gemini - Work may be a source of chaos and confusion right now. Weight ideas carefully and make a plan for professional success. Take time for fun but avoid gambling and excess monetary risk. That will cause further stress instead of relieving it. A partnership or deal is likely today. Others view you as approachable which helps you in your personal and professional life. You are energetic and hardworking, traits that help you achieve. Your ability to learn from mistakes, both yours and others', will take you places.

Cancer - You may be worrying over health concerns or home repairs at the moment, with looming debts on your mind. Take some time to be at home and sort out finances. Relatives, perhaps a parent or uncle, will offer you assistance in your work ahead. Be careful traveling by car today. Take a break from your super busy schedule and concentrate on doing what you are best at, spend time with your friends, even indulge in hobbies. Avoid turning point decisions, especially concerning work. You may make new friends or enemies who will help or obstruct your endeavors. Be tactful in conversation. Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.

Leo - You may have an opportunity to travel, perhaps with or to see a younger sibling or grandparent. Diplomacy in communication is critical right now. Use all available means to stay in touch -- email, text, phone and social media. Others appreciate your creative spirit so share art, song, photos or dance with loved ones. You're in a partying mood, interested in being active, creative and in the company of others. Expect an invitation or sudden desire to see a movie or play or go to a sports game. You confidently set your own rules now. Be level headed in this moment of exhilaration and don't get carried too far from reality.

Virgo - Vehicle repairs or replacement may be causing you to re-evaluate your finances. Don't put off necessary patch ups and be patient with neighbors. Going to a show or enjoying art will give you a needed break. Bitter memories are dispelled by pleasant recollections and a general feeling of well being in the air. Social and financial security are important to you now. Surprises may be in store, perhaps an inheritance. Responsibilities to a father figure come into the picture now. If you feel emotionally drained, take time to gather strength.

Libra - You are at a good place, personally and professionally. Take stock of your own strength and limitations. Expressing your creative side bolsters your self worth. A new opportunity awaits. Pursue it courageously. Some personal time will help you flourish today. Take a short trip to visit family or old friends. Communicate with a woman you are close to. Those in creative professions will have a profitable day. A sudden email or phone call may alter the course of your day. Plan for future possibilities before you commit to any relationship or partnership.

Scorpio - You may be feeling confided and a sudden need to get away. A recent loss may propel you on a spiritual quest. Prayer or meditation may offer relief. Take time and make space to be alone with your thoughts. Those closest to you may help you as you navigate through this confusing personal moment. Don't desert the plans you made. Avoid individuals and environments that leave you emotionally drained. Be wise in the way you handle money as that will help you in days to come. If you put expenses in line with your income now you'll benefit from surplus funds later. Practice caution.

Sagittarius - You are eager to be around others right now and they are eager to be around you as well. Your charm is on full display, allowing you to make some interesting new connections. Enjoy time with friends and siblings. Success is on the horizon. New income or unexpected gain may soon be yours. This transitional phase of the month is full of excitement as you explore new options for yourself. What seemed impossible before now suddenly seems plausible. Make good use of this new energy. Today's a good day to handle difficult tasks and conquer those tasks you've been avoiding. Let yourself soar.

Capricorn - Life at home may be challenging right now and full of stressors. Don't neglect your health and well-being. Make and keep needed appointments for doctor visits. Enjoy the recognition you are gained at work. Your hard work has paid off. Relish the glory of this moment. You are in the right frame of mind to evaluate your own assets and limitations, personality wise. Follow your heart and you will avoid confusion. Take time for yourself without neglecting responsibilities. Plan your road map carefully and it will lead you to your goals.

Aquarius - A change in career might prompt the need or option to travel. The journey may open your ideas to new and exciting spiritual paths. Enjoy social interactions with friends and family who will be receptive to your charm. It may be time to enroll in higher ed or take a class to learn something new. Today brings you closer to loved ones. It's an ideal moment to express your feelings and gratitude. Enjoy and share the warmth of love. Don't overanalyze; instead, be emotive and expressive. Share what you feel for them. Give them what they want and notice their reactions. You'd be surprised.

Pisces - A parent or mentor may be experiencing a loss right now. Relationships may be complicated at the moment, as you may feel unheard or ignored. At work, your talents have been spotted so look for a bonus or reward on the horizon. Focus on your health right now, especially any concerns that have been nagging you. You expect more from yourself than ever. You're confident in the quality of your work but a lack of appreciation may disappoint you. You feel a lack of control. A desire for material and emotional prosperity may be making you feel restless. If you channel this frustration in the right direction, it could lead to a significant breakthrough.

Monday, November 25, 2019


Aries - A spouse or partner is waiting for you to make a pivot decision. Make sure to think and act wisely. Though money may be a worry at the moment, good fortune, perhaps in the form of a new career option, will soon present itself. You may need to travel to a meeting to tie up a legal matter or attend to business. New relationships and partnerships are in the offing. Synergies may take up new directions with or without your consent. There's a silver lining to every dark cloud. Obstacles make way for opportunities. Your own faith in yourself will do the trick.Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.

Taurus - Disputes at work may be causing stress. An obstacle or setback you are now facing can be overcome with plenty of hard work. Your effort will be rewarded in the long run so don't allow yourself to be affected by the negative talk of enemies. Take care of those that depend on you, such as children and pets. Be frugal with money. A chat with a spouse or partner about something important is likely today. Seek the advice of your significant other as you make decisions and you will minimize risks. There could be legal agreements resolved today. Follow your heart and you'll find that you get what you really wanted.

Gemini - You may be feeling disconnected from a spouse or significant other right now. If so, make time for a romantic outing and a chance to be together. Work may be a source of stress or confusion. Make plans for the future that will assist in your work. Time the night off for recreation or creative pursuits. You feel put to the test, asked to deliver the impossible. Let go of ego and ask for help, from friend and foe alike. Keep your goal in sight and put your best foot forward. Soon you can expect rewards and recognition for your hard work. People may call for your assistance. Pets and dependents now also require extra attention.

Cancer - Problems at home may feel like obstacles on your way to success right now. Making time for family is critical though. Repairs and renovations may require you to take out a loan. Do what is best for those who depend on you. Work will pick up as long as you continue working hard. People, not finances, attract you now. Your imagination is stimulated and you desire the company of others. Fantasies are appealing but don't procrastinate or avoid responsibilities. Please your significant other today and make their day with your love and passion.

Leo - Diplomatic communication is key right now. Reach out to a younger sibling or a grandparent that has been on your mind. Remember that listening well is just as vital as speaking with care. New opportunities await you, allowing you to engage your intellect and express your creativity. Avoid gambling and frivolous monetary expenditures. Work to strike a balance between personal aspirations and your duties to home and society. Take time for yourself and to look after your health (physical, emotional and spiritual). The elderly, needy and infirm demand your time, attention and affection. Be responsible in your deeds as that's the only way you can earn the trust of loved ones.

Virgo - Make an investment in your education now. It will serve you will in the long run. Give voice to the monetary concerns that are on your mind. A maternal figure or caregiver may need assistance from you, perhaps with a repair. Goodness and kindness are integral to your character. Your talents and perfectionism define you professionally. A journey for work or pleasure is a possibility. The day may be centered around extra responsibilities and communication with new contacts. Make the most of this moment in time as fame and honor await you today.

Libra - With some clear communication, great happiness awaits you. Let reason guide you as you try to decide where you belong. Juniors, co-workers, subordinates and even siblings, need you now. Are you ready to listen and appreciate them? Today you understand that wealth is not the key to happiness. Tend to business but also enjoy time spent with loved ones. Soon new investments will invigorate low-key finances. Professionally, your skills are in demand and you demonstrate your proficiency in all fields. All worries will be taken care of if you keep your patience level high.

Scorpio - A loss or separation is weighing on you. Take time to process what you are feeling. Looking to elders for help and reprieve. Get rest and think things through. This is a moment to be reclusive, to spend with loved ones who truly understand what you're going through. You've got an eye for perfection that is sure to yield success. Pursue a new art or discipline. The ecstatic state that you are in today is the result of the vigor, liveliness and strength that comes to you in this month long phase. A stable mind and a confident personality will take you places.

Sagittarius - New connections made now will offer you fresh opportunities soon. Your charm is on full display as you enjoy the company of friends and family. Go out and have fun in clubs or groups that interest you. Good fortune is on the way! Right now you are more interested in connections with society than in money. You want to work for causes you believe in. If your priorities feel confused, take time to review your plans. You may not want to take drastic steps but working on ideas will be helpful. A bright future awaits you; thoughtfulness on your part works wonders.

Capricorn - A boss or supervisor has noticed all your hard work and is ready to reward your leadership qualities. Enjoy the bonus or promotion offered to you. In relationships, you may be feeling stressed or confined. Take time to be alone with your thoughts. Change is inevitable and is best accepted. You're in the mood to slow down and enjoy the beauty of life. Time with friends and family allow you to recount cherished memories. Your appreciation of others earns you their love and attention. Harness the feeling of belongingness within you and the world will be at your doorstep.

Aquarius - Legal affairs may require you to take a journey, perhaps even abroad. Enjoy new social scenes and fresh outlooks and spiritual paths. This is a time of good fortune when you are feel open-minded, perhaps ready to learn something new. A career transformation may be on the horizon. Today offers you an ego boost. Professionally you're on a high tide. Your plans are all falling into place. People are appreciative and ready to assist. Your own mood is cheerful. Patience and humility will seal the deal. Your people skills are at their finest today. Believing in yourself and in others too makes today a success.

Pisces - A parent or teacher may be going through a stressful time. You may feel ignored or blamed. Try to offer comfort and support. At the same time, see to your own health and well being. Continue your hard work and you will soon be rewarded. The winds of change are pointed your way. Expect newfound meaning in work and relationships. This may mean long sought after prosperity or perhaps travel overseas. Interesting people will come your way. Public relations may take up a large chunk of your time but will pay rich dividends. Perseverance and tact are essential in forging and maintaining long lasting bonds.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Aries - An inheritance or unexpected source of income may be yours now. Invest the funds wisely, avoiding vices or unhealthy pursuits. You may have the chance to travel. Use the opportunity to reflect on spiritual or even supernatural ideas on your mind. Your aura of success and charm is visible, especially where love and money are involved. You may be drawn into finances pursuits, perhaps joint ventures or collaborations. Use all your charm and tact to get things going to your satisfaction. Gentle persuasion is more useful than a demanding, forceful approach.

Taurus - Work affords lots of opportunities right now. Share your decisions and plans with family. If you are feeling temporarily strapped for cash, give it time. New sources of income or an inheritance may be headed your way. Enjoy experiences with relatives, perhaps a grandparent, niece or nephew. You feel ready to enjoy fun and festivities with friends and loved ones. Your desire for solitude has passed. You are drawn to lively attractiveness in others. You're at the right place for some self-discovery if you tune into others. You realize that you already have everything that you need to be successful in your endeavors.

Gemini - Legal concerns may be on your mind today, perhaps involving an injury or accident. Continue to work hard and ignore disputes surrounding you. Enemies may be causing obstacles to your success but staying positive and being proactive will help in the long run. You're subdue and reserved today. Now's the time for hidden meetings, secret activities, even an undisclosed love affair. In this more introspective period, you might be more sensitive about health, work and daily routine. Silence is golden. Silence is productive. Silence is love.

Conversations or thoughts about the past are featured now. Your mind is more receptive and alert than usual, and you may find yourself especially busy and curious, but perhaps too scattered to concentrate for very long on any particular subject. Your memory is particularly sharp.

Cancer - Gambling or a risky investment would be unwise right now. Pursue compelling professional ideas and continue to work hard. Making time for leisure will help alleviate stress. A stranger would be source of support and companionship. A time when you can balance and reconcile work and home, play sexual and passionate games. Children, friends, even distant relatives are all part of the social scene. You entertain them, amuse and even indulge them, talk to them, communicate in all possible ways from hugs to e-mail.

Leo - Home repairs and renovation may feel like a gamble to you right now. Follow your gut with your spending. A family member, maybe a parent or grandparent, will need your assistance. Being at home will feed your creativity and bring you a sense of peace. Today domestic issues and work concerns are on your mind. You vacillate between feelings of intense love and hate, though concern for loved ones matters more to you than personal gain. You will find a balance between work and family, self confidence and lack of trust. Keep your cool. Anger would undo all the good work of the past few weeks.

Virgo - You may require to go on a short trip now, before to somewhere off the beaten path. A younger sibling is on your mind. You will feel more at peace if you put your worries to page or communicate them aloud. Be courageous and share some thoughts you had been keeping to yourself. Work, home and family all make demands of you and you are prepared to meet them. You are mentally astute and energized, making this a good time to take up new challenges. Be ready to work hard and keep yourself on task and motivated. Focus on one particular task at a time. Do one thing and do it well.

Conversations or thoughts about the past are featured now. Your mind is more receptive and alert than usual, and you may find yourself especially busy and curious, but perhaps too scattered to concentrate for very long on any particular subject. Your memory is particularly sharp.

Libra - Family needs you right now. Make sure you are ready to talk and to listen. Keep an eye on personal finances. Being overly indulgent may limit your ability to take a chance later. Enjoy travel with loved ones. Music and food will bring you delight. Your future happiness depends on your own choices. Your attitude will impact your level of success. Again, you will be concerned with extra income, this time through extra work/overtime. Past work and accomplishments may prove profitable. Count on a raise both in status and your own self image. In any case, money and perks are more than good enough.

Scorpio - Time spent with family brings happiness right now. A change of appearance will bolster your confidence. Treat yourself to some desired material belonging. Speak up and advocate for that idea that has been on your mind. Work will be satisfying, allowing you to take a more active role. You will feel rewarded, noticed for your hard work and a long desired goal will finally be in sight. You are strong, energetic and motivated. With determination and confidence, you will continue on your path of professional progress!

Sagittarius - You are feeling newly introspective. Take time to be alone with your thoughts. Family concerns, perhaps involving grandparents, may be on your mind. Get adequate rest and look to the wisdom offered by dreams or your subconscious. Time for self-care is always well spent. Maybe you are feeling a shade out of sorts today. If you are feeling stressed or confused, try meditation or prayer. You may feel stuck in a rut. Before you act, engage in some real contemplation of yourself and your goals. Take your time and follow your heart.

Capricorn - Money is suddenly yours, through a new source of income or a recent success. Use these earnings wisely. Attention to your health is critical. Now may be the time to schedule a doctor's visit you've been putting off. Friends are eager to be in your company. Enjoy social functions but save time for seclusion and introspection as well. Communication and connection matter a lot today. You want to connect with those in your immediate circle as well as those beyond in, both in person and virtually. Social and group activity will prove beneficial. People skills are essential and can make or break you.

Aquarius - You are ready to celebrate a recent promotion or raise. Enjoy the glory of today, of being recognized for your achievements. Be attentive to relationships though. Work through what you can and be ready to let go if needed. The rewards you've been waiting for are headed your way. Money, success, achievement wait at work. Peace and joy await in marital and domestic life. Be thankful for all this phase affords. Be polite and be gracious to win everyone's heart.

Pisces - A recent professional success may prompt the chance to travel. A father figure, boss or seniors may occupy you on this trip. Though some complications may arise, enjoy the new perspective offered to you. Your beliefs may be challenged and refined now. The usual focal points of your life leave you cold. New values and concerns are imminent, perhaps gained through travel, a mentor or a distant relative. Overcome world-weariness as you have responsibilities to face.

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Aries - You may be struggling with a set back, perhaps at work. Look to a teacher or mentor for guidance. Take time to attend to your health. Don't keep your worries a secret or engage in risky behaviors. Fresh opportunities are just around the bend. You're full of energy and work is rewarding. Results feel effortless, though of course you are working hard. You're buoyant and eager to be with family. Alliances, both professional and social, may soon be established. Listen to those that seek to help and ignore detractor

Taurus - Now is the time to make some big plans. A contract or exciting new decision needs reviewing. Tie up loose ends and consider moving to the next step in relationships. Conflicts may arise in your extended family. Make time to sort it out. You're embarking on new goals, supported by colleagues and superiors with a vested stake in your success. Amazing rewards may have already begun coming your way. This monthly phase will lead you down a path of revolutionary change and catapult you to center stage. Don't let greed get in your way and keep your sights firmly fixed on your target.

Love and romantic matters are favorable for you now. You might enjoy a happy social event or other pleasurable activity. It's a good influence for beauty treatments, redecorating, and the arts; and favorable for scheduling dates.

Gemini - Others may be depending on you, perhaps for money or legal advice. Competition at work is heating up, with enemies vying for your position. Continue to work hard and you will make a reputation for yourself as a someone diligent and reliable. Be careful when traveling today to avoid injury or accidents. Take a break from the routine today. Partying, surfing the net or short travel will rejuvenate you. The company of loved ones makes it all the more enjoyable. You'll be the center of attention, radiating passion. Avoid overindulgence. Let the good times roll! Days like this don't come around often.

Cancer - Don't gamble with your health. If you are worried about something, get it checked out. At work, your intelligence and your fresh ideas set you apart from the competition. Make time for kids and for your significant other. Look for creative ways out of recent disputes with family. Trouble is brewing at home. Loved ones may vie for your attention and affections in every conceivable manner. Your family's the best source for honest opinions and constructive suggestions. Right now loved ones need you to show up now with a point of view and express your opinions based on solid life experiences. That's what we call emotional reciprocity.

Leo - Home is where the heart is right now, especially if it allows you to be close to a grandparent or caregiver. Take some time to be outdoors and refresh your creative side. New educational opportunities may become available. Be diplomatic in your connections to others. Speak with caution today to avoid any confrontations. Your mind is susceptible to distractions so focus on one task at a time. You may feel emotional and overprotective. You desire connection with siblings, children and other dependents. You may feel the need, or have to do some short traveling.

Virgo - Break out your camera because you may be headed on a trip to a place of natural beauty. New opportunities await you. Make a bold decision. Make time to listen to a family member, perhaps a caregiver or younger sibling, who needs your assistance with repairs or renovations. Indulge your creativity side and visit a gallery or watch a show. Steer clear of extravagance and indulgence expenditures which could prove wasteful and harmful in the long term. Be prepared to face abundance and deficiency, whichever one you face. Determination and hard work will help you tackle any kind of problem. You are likely to review finances, budgets, income and expenses. Today will be all about finances, at all levels.

Libra - You are captivated by material objects right now, drawn to fashion and the arts. Balance your budget to make sure that you have the resources to travel and enjoy food and fun with family. Effective communication means both speaking wisely and listening carefully so make sure you are doing both in your relationships. The new moon phase acts as a harbinger of hope and would leave you with infinite possibilities today. Reconnecting with old friends and relatives will top your priority list today. Happiness and contentment, both materially and emotionally, will come to you as long as you remain resilient. It's time for a fresh start. Misunderstandings will resolve peacefully and leave you feel renewed.

Scorpio - Money may be on your mind right now. You are attracted to material things -- food, fashion, beauty and even jewelry. Enjoy the pleasure of meals shared with loved ones. Get dressed up and take in a show or a concert. Looking deeply within yourself will lead to serenity and calm. Whether you fail or succeed, you will learn and benefit. Today's a spiritually charged day. Follow your heart instead of your head. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

Aquarius - Your leadership and charisma have been noticed by those around you, making you a popular figure at social events and an authority figure at work. Continue working hard and further rewards will be yours. Problems in your love life may be resolved by more attention and communication. A spiritual sojourn is in the cards. You are in an introspective phase. Now's the time for entertaining questions about life's meaning and working to resolve inequities in the world around you. Journeys planned might not materialize due to unexpected circumstances. Take one step at a time.

Pisces - A change in rank or status may prompt a chance to travel. A teacher or mentor may join you on this journey. Make the most of it; use this opportunity to expand your perspective on life and spirituality. Money might be a concern right now. Take care while travelling to avoid health problems or the loss of belongings. All day long, luck will be on your side and the possibilities are endless. Your finances may feel robust right now. Use new techniques to make ends meet. Trust your instinct, especially when trusting others. Maybe consequences are dear friends in stealthy disguise.

Friday, November 22, 2019


Aries - A father figure may accompany you on a short journey. Use this time to get in touch with your own beliefs. A new career opportunity may arise soon. Enjoy the sudden good fortune you experience! It's time to work on one to one relationships, as partnerships and business deals are likely today. Sales deals will be the easiest nut to crack (if you are in that profession) as you seem to be a pro now. Your hard work and conviction seem to be your key to success. Lay your hands on something new and different.

Taurus - You may feel to blame for a recent setback that you or someone close to you has experienced. Vocalize your worries and your sense of being helpless or unheard will be relieved. An inheritance or a new source of income may arrive in your life soon. Take good care of yourself and avoid vices. Secret conversations are possible, as are undisclosed alliances (perhaps unfriendly ones). Drive slowly or take public transportation. Avoid impulsive talk and actions today. This introspective period might require you to set aside your feelings in order to take care of details now.

Gemini - A big decision about a purchase or sale may be on your mind. Consult with family first. You may be needed at business meeting as some matters are tied up. Be careful with money now to save for the long term. You never felt so close to your family and children as you do today. This is perhaps one of the greatest days of the month. You feel full of energy and ready to express love for those dearest to you. While you have the freedom to party with loved ones, also pay attention to the tasks at hand.

Cancer - Keep in mind those who depend on you, including children or pets. Avoid gambling and you avoid debt. If worries are weighing you down, spend leisure time with relatives. Work may be demanding at the moment but you will soon stand out from the competition, because your hard work. Keep a cool head to retain all you've accomplished recently. Many forces are vying for your attention, both at work and at home. Increased support (both emotional and financial) boosts your confidence and you emerge as a winner in all situations. Your emotional bonds with loved ones, especially father figures, take precedence over all other concerns.

Leo - After working hard for so long, you deserve a little leisure time. Enjoy but don't overdo it, especially financially. Spend money wisely, on worthwhile investments such as repairs or renovations. Make time for a spouse or significant other. Share your creativity with family. Domestic and official tasks demand your attention. When you live for a clear purpose, hard work is a necessity. Control your wandering mind to find success. Demands are equally high professionally and personally but a little tact will help you handle both fronts with equal efficiency.

Virgo - A loss may be on your mind right now, causing you distress. You may find yourself searching for spiritual answers. Communicate your worries with others, close companions especially. Avoid risky ventures. Take time to get outside and be somewhere quiet and peaceful with your thoughts. Financially, this is one of the most rewarding days of the month. Extra hours of toil yield much deserved profits today. An informed decision will help you meet a desired goal. Remember that your resolve to succeed is more important than anything else. Your attitude towards life determines what you become.

Libra - Communication is critical right now. Reach out to a younger sibling via letter, phone or email. A new opportunities awaits you. A chance to travel may be on the horizon too. Believe in yourself and take a chance on the creative idea that's been on your mind. You're brimming with optimism today. Your surroundings are energizing you and you're ready to put in the hard work necessary for success. Optimism is faith that leads to achievements. Continue to feel hopeful and move confidently in the direction of your dreams. Today's the day to make a bold decision.

Scorpio - Family time is richly rewarding right now. You are feeling generous and ready to share food and material comforts with others. Indulge your love of the arts by displaying your own talents or seeing a show. You are in tune with all the world has to offer right now. This is a perfect time to regroup and reassess. Don't panic if you have too many things on your plate right now. Move at your own pace. Just keep following your gut when making decisions. Clarify your priorities and you will move closer to your goal.

Sagittarius - Shed your inhibitions and reach out to the world. Mingling with others and freeing yourself are the keys to success. Grab opportunities as they arise or you will regret it. Accept difference in perspective and allow understanding to guide your communication with others.

Capricorn - Change is imminent. Take time to prepare for it now. Your health may need attention. Make appointments to consult with doctors. Look for spiritual insights as well, in dreams and introspection. Avoid fraud or deception by making all decisions with care. You work hard for success and luck is now on your side. Rewards and recognition are your's at work. Relationships are also harmonious. Accept success as a gift and be humble. Modesty wins the hearts of those around you. You only have to do a few things right in life as long as you don't do many things wrong.

Aquarius - Your focus is on networking and connecting with others right now. Social interactions, through groups or club, may prove yourself in the long term. You may have an increase in funds right now but avoid being careless or overspending. Accidents or thefts can be avoided by being cautious and aware of your settings. You may be feeling cagey and unable to concentrate on work or hobbies. You're seeking new meaning in life. The search continues both inwards and outwards. A journey may be required of you. The mantra for the day is to break with shackles of the past and spread your wings to soar into new horizons.

Pisces - Affairs of the heart may prove complex right now. A relationship may be ending. Embrace the inevitability of change and look ahead to new opportunities. This is a moment when your leadership skills really shine. Love and money matters move ahead in a demanding environment. Excitement makes life worth living. You make a strong impression on those around you. Collaborations may be imminent. Use tact rather than a stern and forceful approach to bend things in your direction. Tact is the art of convincing people they know more than you do.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Aries - A health concern may be on your mind. Make good decisions, avoiding drugs, alcohol and other vices. The supernatural or occult speak to you now, perhaps as a way to find out more about a recent sorrow or setback. Disturbances in travel may occur so plan accordingly. Your trailing blazing attitude suddenly is supported by colleagues and superiors. They appreciate your style and way of getting things done. You work tirelessly and the results are equally stunning. This is just the beginning; don't let smaller rewards get in your way. You've got big dreams and are determined to accomplish them.

Taurus - Big plans are in the making! If you are not married, it may be time to plan a wedding. Consult with family and communicate with care to avoid further conflicts. Be conservative in your spending and plan ahead as much as possible. You're looking for meaningful experiences today. Go for it and ask him or her out. Enjoy life and don't overanalyze it. Your charisma is attractive to your peers. Time with family is also important. This time, like all times, is a good time, only if you know what to do with it.

Social upsets are possible, or you may find that you are unable to do something pleasurable even though you would really like to. You may get attracted to someone who is simply not right for you, or may face minor problems in existing love affairs.

Gemini - Litigation as a result of an accident or injury may be inevitable. Don't give into worries. Hard work will be required. Keep in mind those who depend on you, such as children or pets. Offering services or doing volunteer work may be a rewarding experience right now. Take time off to mend fences at home. Your home life feels more troubled than usual but you are needed by your family as a source of inspiration and honest advice. Your loved ones have stood by you through thick and thin. Always keep in mind that wanting people to dance of your order would only make matter worse.

Cancer - Take some richly deserved time for leisure. Get in touch with spirituality or find new ways to engage your intellect and creativity. Spend wisely, avoiding gambling and risky ventures. Make time for your partner and for carefree moments with kids. Diplomacy will get you a long way right now. Actions speak louder than words and if words go wrong actions will save you. You may find yourself drawn to talk today but think before you speak. Avoid being quick-tempered today. You may find yourself particularly drawn towards family and close friends today. You may feel overprotective. Refrain from appearing scattered.

Leo - Home is in your mind right now, as repairs and renovations are being discussed. Have a heart to heart with loved ones and truly speak your mind. A long drive to somewhere remote may offer you a sense of peace. Pick up a new skill. It will serve you well in days ahead. Making informed decisions and weighing liabilities will work to your advantage. Steer clear of unnecessary shopping and expenditures. Finances will be the focus on the day. A windfall might even come your way, one that you have certainly earned through hard work. Be ready to face abundance or deficiency, whichever one arises, with equal determination and preparation.

Your intentions and actions harmonize, which improves your relationships with others and with your own body and spirit. This is a good time to heal your mind. You could experience an improvement in your family affairs or domestic circumstances, as well as your business pursuits.

Virgo - You may hear from a neighbour today -- keep calm and just listen. Take a chance on a new personal or professional opportunities. Time to run errands, wash cars, carry heavy packages including monthly supplies and groceries. Today is one of the best days of the month to embark upon new endeavors. Your inner self never felt as connected with the outside world as it does today. Some reasonable changes to your looks, attitude and surrounding will reap benefits. Take care not to overdo it but enjoy!

Libra - The world is your oyster. Enjoy food, music, good company. You have been wise financially and now have resources to splurge a bit. Share your creative talents with family who are ready to be impressed! Follow your dreams and fantasies today. Let your heart rule over your head. The pursuit of happiness may take you new places. Remember that happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness grows in direct proportion to acceptance.

Social upsets are possible, or you may find that you are unable to do something pleasurable even though you would really like to. You may get attracted to someone who is simply not right for you, or may face minor problems in existing love affairs.

Scorpio - Your current location may feel limiting. You are now looking for a fresh start or a reboot. Your outward appearance may be a good place to start. Experiment and enjoy. You are at the beginning of a new phase. Believe in yourself. Remain confident and strong. Expect a group discussion with like-minded people today. You look forward to charitable works and activities of social welfare. You will find satisfaction in group endeavors. Help inspire loyalty and cooperation and your group will have success.

Sagittarius - You may find yourself dealing with health concerns right now, visiting doctors or hospitals. Rest and make time for spiritual reflection. You may be feeling cut off or restrained in some way right now. Change is ahead. Prepare for it now by facing your fears and making wise decisions. Work is intensely satisfying right now. Redefine your goals and make the most of the newfound energy you're enjoying. You've earned the respect of others. Don't be shy about taking risks. Remember that you can't discover new heights unless you have the courage to lose sight of the ground.

Minor annoyances, such as unexpected bills coming your way or arguments with others over personal philosophies, may be part of the picture. You are more sensitive to injustices (or perceived injustices), but you should avoid behavior that is self-righteous or haughty.

Capricorn - Sudden domestic trouble may arise now, perhaps stemming from a theft or accident. This setback is temporary, as good fortune will soon be yours. Enjoy leisure time with a friend or sibling. Network opportunities may arise so allow your charm to show through. Spend some quality time alone. You may find new meaning in your own existence and a resolution to an issue that's been bugging you. Weed out disbelief and search for peace of mind. Confronting legal or moral issues will result in clarity of thought. An unexpected issue may prompt you to plan a sudden journey.

Aquarius - Your hard work has earned you some rewards. Enjoy the newfound glory and recognition. Be sure to also be attentive to domestic affairs. A relationship or children may be in need right now. You're on a lucky streak today. Finances are revamped and leave you feeling energetic. Take a calculated risk. You have a lot of juggle but you will reap the benefits before long. Good fortune will bring fresh opportunities your way.

Pisces - Right now you may feel pulled towards re-examining your beliefs or embarking on a new educational path. Take a trip with a mentor or teacher who can offer you insights. This is a moment of good fortune. Enjoy the fresh opportunities presented to you. You seek advice from those closest to you. Listen to all but do what feels right. Save time for family and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Newfound confidence helps you see fresh opportunities. You have the freedom to make mistakes and even cope with failure.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Aries - An inheritance or other source of unexpected money may be headed your way. Use the funds wisely, avoiding vices and risky behavior. A teacher or father figure may be going through a health setback. Be there to offer support. A secret may be shared with you. Closed door meetings are a possibility today. If you find yourself in trouble, rely on help offered by loved ones. This period of introspection and even stoic silence will chart the course of the future. A visit to the doctor may be needed to address health issues. Spend some time on yourself today.

Taurus -  A conflict with a relative or spouse may be on your mind. You may also be concerned about a financial setback. Make plans for the future today. Set up legal or business arrangements to bring you prosperity and peace in the future. Communicating your feelings to your significant other is paramount right now, whether through a letters/email or physical connection. Avoid procrastination and lethargy and you will avoid costly mistakes. Playfulness is fine but set limits for yourself and don't get carried away.

Gemini - Workplace disputes may be getting out of hand and causing you worry. Just continue to work hard and obstacles will be overcome. Volunteering or serving others would be a rewarding opportunity. Look after your health and finances, consulting family as needed. You are effectively balancing work and home life concerns. Your emotions run high, both love and hate, but you feel self confident. Your driving force is your family now rather than the daily chores that seem to take up too much time. Avoid losing your temper. Anger would undo all the good work of the past few weeks.

Cancer - Letting loose and relaxing appeals to you a lot right now. You are ready to indulge your creative side. Do some diplomatic and without taking any unwise risks. A romantic partner or family member may offer guidance or introduce new ideas. Get in touch with your faith. Jot down ideas as they occur to you throughout the day. Avoid being pulled mentally in too many different directions. Setting priorities and doing one thing at a time will get you the desired results. The fact that you are a good manager is made clear as you handle things with perfection both at work and at home.

Leo - Home renovations or car repairs may be stressing you right now. Look for solace in nature or in connections with a parent or parental figure. You may need to learn a new skill to get the job done. The knowledge you gain will help with your plan going forward. Reviving old connections assists you professionally and financially today. A positive attitude helps you attain a position you've dreamed about. Faith makes it happen. Your hard work and determination yield results. You can certainly count on a raise in both status and self image today. In any case, money and perks are more than good enough.

Virgo - Welcome the opportunity to travel. A short journey may involve the chance to write, to make music or take photos and selfies. Effective communication is critical right now. A younger sibling or someone who is your age - needs you to speak as well as to listen. Be bold and display your creativity. Your work life never seemed so good as it does today. You can feel positive vibrations all around. A long desired success feels imminent. Explore new areas of interest today. With perseverance you can work your way to the top! You're refreshed and ready to dive into new goals.

Libra - Material things have your eye right now. Clothes, cooking, jewelry all appeal to your love of fashion and creativity. Revel in good company and good food. You are feeling rich in friends and talents right now. Confusion is in the air so give yourself plenty of time and space to think. Gather your facts and listen to your heart before taking the final plunge. Avoid hasty decisions and trust your instincts. They will lead you where you want to go. Wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure.

Scorpio - Not sure how to start anew? Something as simple as a fresh haircut could make you feel ready for the new phase you are embarking on. If you are looking to move up the ranks at work, display confidence and you'll succeed. Remain yourself of your strengths and happiness will follow. Reach out to friends and even those who have been adversaries in the past. This is the moment to find common ground and work together. Networking today yields larger returns later. The way you communicate with others will determine the quality of your life. Grab any socializing opportunity, reach out to people of varied backgrounds and win friends for life!

Sagittarius - A relative, perhaps a grandparent or elder, may need your assistance as they endure health concerns. Visits to rehabs, hospitals or doctor's offices may engross you at present. Save time to rest and be alone with your thoughts. Lighter days are ahead. Change is inevitable and not to be feared. Much deserved glory is yours. You've worked hard and as a result your professional life feels promising. Be ready when opportunity knocks. Your satisfaction in work will spill over to your married and personal life. Overall, the day seems to be pleasurable in every possible way, be it home or office.

Capricorn - An accident affecting you or a relative, perhaps a sibling or uncle, may be causing stress at home. Take a break and get out to clubs and social events. The people you meet now may yield interesting networking possibilities. You want to break from routine right now and seek fresh ideas. Work may feel draining and uninspiring but stick to the tasks and responsibilities before you. Fresh dreams and inspiration are headed your way. Sometimes without leaps of imagination we lose the excitement of possibilities.

Aquarius - Work is productive and fulfilling right now. Your performance and talents have been evaluated and passed with flying colors. Enjoy the glory of this moment and any rewards offered to you. Attend to matters of love and commitment. Relationships taxing your time and money might be better off ended. You may need to devote time to sorting out your finances. Keep your goals in mind and locate the resources and people to see them through. A forceful yet gentle approach makes success possible.

Pisces - You may have the chance to travel, perhaps even abroad. If so, be sure to watch what you eat and take care to avoid injuries or accidents. This is an ideal moment to reexamine your beliefs or to take a class and do some research into a spiritual topic. This is a time of good fortune so make the most of it. A meeting or official conversation may be causing you anxiety, especially if a contract or deal is at stake. Don't worry. Everything will fit into place. Learn from your own experiences, as well as from the life lessons of others, and you will acquire new skills for success.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Aries - This is a time of good fortune. Legal affairs resolve in your favor. You may have the opportunity to travel abroad, perhaps with a mentor or father figure. Your spiritual beliefs may be tested. Take good care of your health, especially while in unfamiliar places. The money you've been waiting on may arrive very soon. You're on a voyage of discovery, whether via higher ed, surfing the web or performing research. Look on the lighter side and avoid unpleasantries. Make the most of family time. Good times are calling today so make hay while the sun shines. Go ahead; embrace your loved ones.

Taurus -  Health concerns may be weighing on you. Don't keep your anxiety a secret. Share your worries with others who might offer assistance. Unexpected income may be headed your way. Invest it wisely. Practice self-care right now and look to spiritual paths for answers. You seek the confines of home, where some time off may be needed to manage difficulties. You need to balance personal and professional worlds right now. Value suggestions made by people at home over the opinions of others around you. The former is a reflection of your own aspirations while the latter may stem out of personal benefits.

Gemini - Pay close attention to legal matters or purchases right now, in order to avoid unnecessary debts or fraudulent deals. Make time to discuss your worries with your partner or spouse. An injury or accident may cause a temporary obstacle. Continue to work hard and you will move through this rough patch. Today you feel both hesitant to speak for fear of causing offensive and yet drawn to communication with loved ones. When visiting and connecting, choose your words carefully. Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Cancer - You may feel like you are in the throes of conflict right now. Diplomacy will help you resolve disputes, be they legal or monetary. Take a break from the worries weighing on you. Some leisure time with family will be good for your health. Your dependents, whether children or pets, will offer amusement and a helpful distraction from the sense of competition and enmity around you. Money and material matters will be at the forefront today. You may feel gripped by financial uncertainty but determination will assist you with any imbalances of income and expenses. You may feel overwhelmed by pressure to meet demands. Try your best to be honest with yourself today about your goals and plans and weed out those unnecessary liability and expenses.

Leo - Fix what needs to be fixed now. Waiting is not worth the gamble. Time spent at home with family and children brings a sense of peace and fulfillment. Make time for romance or connecting with a spouse or partner. Your work life is uniquely satisfying today. Enjoy your successes. You're earned them. Make plans for new pursuits. Avoid being impulsive and prepare for some hard work. A positive outlook on life will take your interesting places. Enjoy today's glory and get ready for a new venture that displays your talents.

Virgo - Domestic affairs may require more effective communication right now. Do what is necessary to keep the peace. Take a trip to somewhere off the beaten path. You miss someone -- after all when there is love in the home, there is joy in the heart. You will soon find answers to the immense large scale questions you've been asking yourself. With plenty of focus, you are ready to take bigger steps and move forward determinedly. Even failure is a learning experience. You will find inner strength that you can apply to your goals. Stay calm and let cooler heads prevail.

Libra - Communication is vital right now. Reach out to family in need, especially a younger sibling. A short journey, perhaps shared with family, may be on the horizon. You are feeling confident enough to face any conflicts in front of you at this moment. Speak up or put your ideas on page. Others are ready to listen. Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. You now happen to experience this reality. Friends take up most of your day. Charity or social work performed with friends becomes responsible fun. See what your friends have to say when you convey your feelings for them and it will be a rewarding experience!

Scorpio - Look to family to bolster any self doubt you may be experiencing right now. The project you are now embarking on will lead to monetary gain and growth. You might feel like you are on a lucky streak today. Your dexterity at work will earn you recognition. In the ecstasy of success don't lose your head. Acting rashly could endanger the progress you've made. The man who makes a success of an important venture never wails for the crowd. He strikes out for himself. It takes nerve, it takes a great lot of grit; but the man that succeeds has both.

Sagittarius - Now is an ideal time to reconnect with family, to share a meal. Concerns about money or material possessions may be on your mind. Treat yourself to a new look. Indulge your interest in fashion. Share your love of the arts with others. Feel free to take some chances. Luck is headed your way. Others look at your hard work with respect. Rewards may be in order. It's also a good time to embark upon new goals and ambitions. The probability of you being successful is very high.

Capricorn - Aversion in fortune may be causing you to feel restrained or depressed. A time of new beginning awaits you but first you need to look inward and examine your life and yourself. Grandparents or elders may play a pivotal role right now. Trust your subconscious and listen to your dreams. Searching for new meaning in life leads to sudden calm. Issues of social justice command your attention. Play life in slow mode right now. You don't want to miss anything. Narrow your focus down to the core issues that matter most to you.

Aquarius - Some time alone may be needed after the excitement of recent days. Recup from all your socializing by getting extra rest and attending to your physical and mental well being. Spend time with elders who may have spiritual insights to offer. Try to stay calm if you are feeling anxious about loved ones. Take a chance, make a difference and you will be pleasantly surprised with the results. Make smart choices and you will reap rewards.

Pisces - A change in rank may totally transform your job. You may find yourself having more authority at work. Your leadership is valued and needed. Enjoy the respect that others show you today. You're always up to meaningful things but today you'll get going on something totally new. Support from coworkers and supervisors makes stunning results possible. Keep an eye on your management of time, energy and money. Don't get carried away by accolades as there are greater goals waiting to be won.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Aries -  Take time to travel now or to study something new. Research and go for deep learning. Listen to the advice of a teacher or mentor. Good fortune will be yours, perhaps even bringing unlooked for money your way! You are balancing work and home right now and everything feels in sync. You're full of passionate, sexual energy. Friends and family, including distant relatives, enrich your social scene. Those in need turn to you. You lend a helping hand and this in turn gives you the ultimate pleasure.

Taurus -  You may be feeling unheard or blamed for things beyond your control. A worry from your past may resurface. Follow your intuition and do what seems best for your physical and emotional health. Money may be unexpectedly headed your way. Invest it wisely. Remain calm throughout your day's work as losing your cool could cost you the gains you've earned in the past. Concern for loved ones will take priority over work/office. You may have a love/hate relationship with your obligations right now. Keep your cool and don't lose your temper. Anger would undo all the good work of the past few weeks.

Gemini - Listen to the advice and experience of others as you contemplate a big purchase or deal. Solidify a relationship, perhaps by planning a wedding. Meeting to discuss business or legal matters may take up your time right now. Delegate some responsibilities to others if you are overloaded with tasks. Your office and home are both very demanding now but you are poised to handle both. Be wary of restlessness. The only remedy to this problem is setting up priorities and focusing on them one at a time.

Cancer - Your professional life feels extra demanding right now. You may feel surrounded by people who oppose you. Remember to remain diplomatic in your dealings with others. Obstacles are easiest to resolve that way. Take care in your travels to avoid accidents and injury. Monetary gain is likely today, whether won, earned or even snatched. Your proficiency in your work gains positive notice. Appreciations is a strong motivator and turns enemies into friends. The choices you make today will reap great benefits. Remember that attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Go win the world today!

Leo - A grandfatherly figure may require you to spend extra time at home. Find amusement where you can but avoid gamble and wasting money that you may need for future repairs or renovations. You feel full of creative insights right now. If you get a chance, get out into nature and connect with your spiritual side. Today will bring a sudden clarity of vision. A new outlook towards life will take you new places. Approach it with excitement. A clear vision paired with hard work will put you on the fast track to a new goal or opportunity. Get ready to dig in and think big!

Virgo - Home is where your heart is right now. You mind may also be focused on family, perhaps concerned with the well being of your mother or a younger sibling. Spend some time out in nature to unwind. Have some necessary talks about home repairs or renovations that require immediate attention. Swift action is not always wise. Sometimes you need to take time to work through your decisions and resolve any confusion. Now is an excellent moment to look to spirituality for guidance or to do some meditating. It will endow you with some much needed mental strength which will see you through the end of the day.

Libra - New opportunities await you. You may need to travel, maybe with relatives. Communicate wisely now, whether on page or aloud. Music and photography appeal to you right now. Share those talents with friends and family. You now have a strong craving to reach out to friends and relatives. Extend your hospitality and you will expand your worldview. New doors of opportunity have already been opened, just waiting for you to cross the threshold. Sometimes great opportunities present themselves as impossible situations.

Scorpio - Look to family to bolster any self doubt you may be experiencing right now. The project you are now embarking on will lead to monetary gain and growth. You might feel like you are on a lucky streak today. Your dexterity at work will earn you recognition. In the ecstasy of success don't lose your head. Acting rashly could endanger the progress you've made. The man who makes a success of an important venture never wails for the crowd. He strikes out for himself. It takes nerve, it takes a great lot of grit; but the man that succeeds has both.

Sagittarius - A loss of income may be weighing on you. Taking a break from socializing to be on your own would be helpful right now. You could use to seclusion and quiet as you look for answers. Change is inevitable and will bring you some opportunities. Now is the moment to weight your strengths and weaknesses. The nitty gritty of your routine is leaving you feeling drained. Look for excitement and welcome it when it arrives. Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don't let them scare you unduly. Without imagination and dreaming we lose the excitement of possibilities.

Capricorn - The loss of someone close to you, a grandparent perhaps, have put a sudden end to all your recent partying and socializing. Now is a moment for quietude and introspection. Take comfort in spirituality or the visions of dreams. Avoid destructive thoughts of actions. Self care is important. Luck is with you in matters of money and affairs of the heart. What you get out of each depends on what you put in . Wrap up things vying for your attention, whether it's legal documents or a gift for a loved ones. Use your latent skills to convert chances to opportunities. Hope makes so much possible.

Aquarius - This is a moment of good fortune for you. A recent promotion or raise has put you in good mood and ready to party. Enjoy the company of friends, old and new. But be sure to travel with caution and don't neglect those at home. A significant other may be needing more of your time and attention. Today is one of the best days for salespeople and deal-making. You need to pitch your ideas and you do so effectively. Give work your all and you will reap the rewards. You will learn a lot from your own experiences and the wisdom of others. Make the most of this knowledge and apply it skillfully.

Pisces - This is a time of good fortune for you at work. You are now rewarded for all the hard work you have put in. You may even be given the chance to travel. Tend to problems in romance, to relationships that are not working. Ending those connections may be your only real option. It's time to celebrate after all your recent hard work. You're the life of the party. Because you've been so busy, your partner may be feeling neglected and emotionally distant. Spend time with loved ones and share your warm personality with all. Don't neglect the loved ones who have always been and will always be the foundation of your life.

Friday, November 15, 2019


Aries - A time of scrutiny and evaluation has passed. If you have been feeling unheard or undervalued, take heart. Your hard work has been noticed. Rewards will soon be yours. While work life is fulfilling, your personal life may be more complex. Deals with conflicts at home. Evaluate a relationship that has been causing you stress. The best way to fix it might be to end it. Exercise restraint and control your temper to protect recent gains. Your emotions rule your head and family matters may outweigh work concerns. A return to the past may summon nostalgia. You may feel moody and insecurity. Take time for yourself to think, rethink and solve internal problems.

Taurus - Travel may cause some anxieties at the moment--digestive concerns, a loss of luggage, etc. So plan and act with care. You are feeling pulled in a spiritual direction so look to new faith traditions, to higher ed, to conversations with mentors or teachers for answers. You may feel overloaded with responsibilities right now. Various modes of communication keep you connected with those individuals on your mind. Watch your words when you interact to avoid awkward situations. Professional and personal communication will be fruitful and possibly emotional. Keep a check on your tongue and don't say things that you yourself would not want to hear.

Cancer - A personal or professional setback may leave you feeling mistrusting. You worry that others are keeping secrets from you. Continue to work diligently, avoid risky choices, and you will be rewarded. An inheritance or some other source of unexpected money will help resolve any debt issues you are facing. The money issues you've been facing are now at the forefront. Adjusting your monthly expenses should solve the majority of your problems. Channel your resources towards promising options instead of items you don't really need. Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it NOW.

Leo - Arguments over accidents or repairs may be causing your stress. With hard work and concentration these obstacles can be overcome. Ignore the malicious gossips and rumours. May your enemy live long to see your success. A loved one's needs your time and attention and might even disrupt the daily course of your day. Attend to them rather than trying to avoid them. Introspection could be helpful now. Take care to avoid alcohol and other vices, and do not drink and drive. Spend time with family and loved ones.

Virgo - A grandfather or grandfatherly figure may have ideas to offer you. Be diplomatic in your communication with others and you will go far. Take time for leisure, including romance with someone special. Follow your intuition. Networking is key today. Enjoy the moment and savor good company. You will feel like networking, sharing new idea or performing service work for your community. Let go of grudges, stay focused and you will enjoy revelry and new opportunities.

Libra - Escape the noise of daily life and enjoy some time in nature. You are in the mood to meditate, to seek inner peace. Your mother, or a maternal figure, may require your care. All aspects of life will be improved as you attend to domestic concerns right now. Professionally, this is one of the best days of the month for you. You may win accolades for work you've done. Listen to others as they have valuable insights and opportunities to offer. If you are warm and receptive others will be eager to help.

Scorpio - You are feeling newly confident and ready to start a new journey, perhaps a literal one involving travel and photographic possibilities. May your day feel as good as taking a perfect selfie on the first try. Try something bold, maybe a new haircut or a dance class. Empowering opportunities await. Start the day on a positive note and the best will come your way. You're full of energy and may want to indulge in hobbies and travel. Unexpected problems may test you but you'll handle them well. Remember that the ultimate measure of an individual is how they respond in times of challenge and controversy.

Sagittarius - A siblings or neighbor may be going through a crisis right now. Your plans may be complicated or cancelled as a result. Make this a time of quietude and rest. Change is inevitable and acceptance is the path. Romantic excitement brightens your day. If not committed, now may be the time to take that step. If feeling stressed, solicit the help of others. You'll feel better if you confide in loved ones. Relax and let yourself enjoy the small things in life.

Capricorn - This is a moment of new beginning, Make connections wherever you can. Networking may lead to new sources of income. A move or a change in appearance is possible now. Your presence is magnetic, as your charisma is on full display. In the right mood, life is a party. That's how it feels lately. Spending time with loved one occupies much of your time. Advice from others help you achieve your true potential. You realize that you already have everything that you need to be successful in your endeavors.

Aquarius - A recent evaluation has left you in the mood for self analysis and introspection. Take time to search for the answers you seek. Locating real meaning will help you avoid fraud or deceit in the future. Concentrate on your job and avoid getting embroiled in several activities at the same time. Stay focused on the big picture. Work will be entertaining and engrossing today, with goals within reach. You feel productive and capable of finish all tasks at hand. Spend your energy addressing the complexities of relationships.

Pisces - The world is your oyster right now. This is a moment of prosperity for you, as you enjoy monetary gains and the company of friends. Be careful not to neglect issues at home though, as relationships may require your attention. A time to rock and roll, throw a party, invite friends and reignite the passions and desires. Be careful not to get carried away, especially with drugs, alcohol or sex. You may be both excited and anxious about a new relationship in the making. Spend time with family and children too, as the stars indicate a hectic week ahead.