Saturday, August 17, 2019


Aries - You may be required at meetings focused around legal or financial issues. Avoid any risky pursuits. Be diplomatic in your dealings, both in business and in family affairs. A spouse or elder is looking for more time and attention from you. This is the perfect moment to get in touch with your inner self. Devote time to a social cause. Financial matters suddenly are not of interest to you. Avoid finalizing plans for a big project or proposal. Instead, give yourself more time to think it through. Contemplate fully and you will lay down the foundations of success now.

Taurus - You may find yourself embroiled in legal concerns right now, perhaps involving a car accident. Work requires a lot of you at the moment. Find peace of mind at home with family. Worrying about debts, maybe from a repair or renovation, will not serve you well. Instead, continue to work hard. Your efforts will yield success. Nostalgic feelings are strong today. Catching up with friends is a good idea. You're in a comfortable frame of mind with little worrying you. Your social and personal life are important right now. Have a great day with loved ones and let that be your singular focus.

Gemini - Take some time to have fun, light-hearted moments with kids. It will refresh your creativity. Spiritual or religious matters may appeal to you right now. Keep your focus high-minded and avoid the distractions of gambling and risky speculation. Achievement will follow you whatever you do and wherever you go. Use this time to seize opportunities that arise and even take a big chance. Your confidence is high but you are appropriately humble. Your goals are in sight, with few obstacles before you. Success is the only thing that waits for you at the end of the road.

Cancer - Time spent with family offers a sense of peace. Attend to domestic concerns. Repairs and renovations may require your attention and money. Devote some of your energy to caring for those who have cared for you, perhaps a maternal figure. Home is truly where the heart is right now. A shift in your work may be close at hand. Interesting partners in crime will accompany you in a temporary escape from reality. Long lasting friendships/alliances may be in the offing giving new and exciting meaning to friendship. Travel overseas may be coming your way. This will open up a vast new expanse in your career. Close relatives may need your help now.

Leo - New opportunities are headed your way, perhaps including the chance to travel. Take care to communicate effectively by letter or email or by being an attentive listener with conversations. Worries about a younger sibling may be causing you stress. Pursue shared activities that bring you both happiness, perhaps going to a concert or show. Legal concerns and paperwork take center stage. The time is ripe to enter an alliance or bond. Meet hardships head on and victory is imminent. Even if you are behind, a sustained sense of confidence and self-control will give you an edge that results in triumph.

Virgo - Travel plans may need to be revamped or even cancelled. Money may be tight at present so be frugal when you have the option. Enjoy moments with friends and family. Make time to have a convey your deep sense of emotion with your significant other. You're passionate, about both personal and professional relationships. Choose wisely as your actions now will have a lasting impact, perhaps even legal or carrying over to other conversations. Everything you do today will have a bigger impact than you intend for it to have.

Libra - Brother and sister together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends. You are full of confidence right now and it shows outwardly. Your company is desired by many. Enjoy your sociable mood but don't overspend. Saving for a rainy day would be wise. Today you will demonstrate the true depth of your character. Draw on your inner strength and you will produce stunning results. You will feel drawn to serving others, showing your selfless nature. Avoid overdoing things and spend some time on yourself too.

Scorpio - You feel stressed. Take time to recuperate, to meditate or analyze important decisions before you. Rest is the order of the day. After all the hurdles and evaluations you have been through, you have earned this time downtime. This is the perfect moment to profess your love to your significant other. Finances and work take a backseat to emotions and romance. You'd like a break from the mundane and want to engage in pursuits that spark your passion. This internal blast of energy pushes you to the limit and allows you to find greater meaning in everything. The ability to keep your emotions on the inside today may be a strategy that turns out to be most successful. This is a good influence for business, obtaining loans, taxes, and joint finances. Your sex life or creative impulses can get a boost. Events occurring now might involve some kind of karmic repayment or benefit.

Sagittarius - You are in a sociable mood and ready to network with new connections. Enjoy participation in groups or clubs. Your charm will be on full display. Make sure you save time and energy to attend to matters at home though. A parent or sibling may need your attention or comfort right now. It's time for introspection to resolve internal conflict. Meditate on core concerns and work on balancing family and the outside world. Take care of your health and give yourself some richly deserved rest. Domestic matters take priority over other issues; take steps to strike a balance in life.

Capricorn - A change in status may be headed your way. Your hard work has been noticed. A recent evaluation has gone favorably. Rewards will soon be yours. Problems at home might be demanding right now. Deal with conflicts and end relationships that are no longer worth the heartache. Others enjoy your company. Recently acquired/polished skills win your respect at home and at work. You will be praised for your ingenuity and problem solving abilities. Travel is a possibility and would lead to self improvement. It's time for your good deeds to reap benefits as no action of generosity goes to waste.

Aquarius - Now is an ideal time to travel. You are feeling inclined to spiritual matters, looking for answers in higher powers or even higher education. Seek the advice of a mentor or teacher who has insights to offer. If you go abroad, watch out for food poisoning or digestion problems. Keep an eye on your money. But enjoy this time for soul searching. Displaying your competency at work will be a top priority today. You are in an extravagant mood so be sure to carefully manage funds. Safeguard yourself from getting trapped in debt. Remember Caution is not cowardly. Carelessness is not courage.

Pisces - Life requires a lot from you at present. You may feel beset by enemies, with competition endangering your own security. Keep working hard and avoid vices. This phase of life will pass and a windfall of money, perhaps from an inheritance, may come your way. Others will be riveted by your ideas and confidence. While enjoying success remain focused on what's next. You will feel a sense of achievement today. Something exciting is on the horizon. What you see depends on what you look for so look for the best and the best will follow!

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