Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Aries - You may be feeling worried about a grandmother or grandmotherly figure right now, perhaps because of health concerns. Weigh all decisions may now very carefully, taking into consideration the experiences and advice of your spouse and other relatives. It may be time to make a big purchase. Spend within reason. Financial security is your top priority today. You desire a life of luxury, aspiring to fame and wealth. Be ambitious but don't let greed cloud your vision. There is a lot on your platter, ranging from housekeeping to more large scale ventures. Rational thinking is key as you consider new business propositions today or activities that involve risks and speculations.

Taurus - Learning a new skill or enrolling in some new training sets you apart from the competition. Diplomacy is needed in the workplace, where you may feel enemies around you. Take time for leisure with friends and family. Injuries and accidents can be avoided by careful commuting. Take a break from your worries and enjoy some creative or spiritual pursuits. Expect an influx of creative energy today. Let this energy inspire you but don't get distracted. With plenty of passion and the right attitude you can accomplish a lot. Stay focused and don't let trivial concerns bog you down. Work hard while you're feeling inspired. You're on the right track!

Gemini - You are in the mood to learn a new skill, to put your intellect to the test. Creative and spiritual ideas appeal to you right now. Don't overlook practical concerns though. Car or home repairs may curtail your leisure time. It's best to avoid spending money on gambling or lottery tickets. Save that money for a rainy day. Your daily schedule feels stifling and you need to let off steam. Express your emotions and you will feel better. Take some time to listen to your gut. Take a break from the social scene and seek peace and companionship with friends and loved ones.

Cancer - Don't put off repairs that require attention. Communicate with family to form a plan to keep peace. Those that have cared for you in the past may require your care and attention now. Family and loved ones should be your central concern right now. With effective communication, a world of opportunities will open up before you. Channel your energy into positive interactions with others. Get together with like-minded friends. Glean knowledge from those around you and show your gratitude for their instruction. Be with people and enjoy revelry

Leo - Being an effective communicator means being a good listener. A younger sibling or other relative may have something significant to share with you now. Now is a good time to update your profile picture on social media. Get ready for a short journey that promises you new opportunities. Your expertise in work sets you apart from the crowd. Listening to others may afford you that fresh, even crazy idea you've been after. Motivating others will pay off big. This is a period of opportunity for you so it's a great time to get things started.

Virgo - Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless, your time is gold and your health is wealth. Try to maintain a sense of balance in your finances. Give voice to worries you've been having. Expressing your concerns will lead to fresh opportunities for monetary gain. You're tempted to indulge in recreation right now. Long aimless drives and new travel are especially appealing. Last minute entanglements might arise and even curtail your fun. But you may be able to connect with interesting people from different backgrounds, offering some new color to your life. Today you are feeling dynamic and ready to soar. Make the most of it.

Libra - True happiness may elude you at present. You may feel separated or restrained in some way. This feeling is only temporary, as new beginnings are on their way. In the meantime, make the most of this time of seclusion to be introspective. Look to elders, dreams and spirituality for guidance. Nagging issues will resolve in your favor. Solicit a helping hand if you find yourself in fiscal trouble. Love and relationships shall facilitate you to revive and refresh your mind. Some of you may actually enjoy flirting now and kissing games are possible. Find time for your hobbies, entertainment and leisure activities despite your hectic schedule, to refresh your mind and mood.

Scorpio - After so much time spent in the company of friends at clubs or social events, you may need a rest. Time to yourself would be good for your health right now. A destructive path can be halted by looking inward or to a higher power. Enjoy some temporary seclusion in order to recharge. Pleasure and beauty attract you today. Enjoy down time with friends and family. You are aware of your strengths and potential opportunities before you. Applying the right people skills will open doors for you. You are at the right place to discover a great deal about yourself by listening to others.

Sagittarius - This is an ideal moment for networking. You are full of charisma and ready to jump into new groups or clubs. Recent success at work has inspired a sense of confidence that makes you attractive to others. But don't neglect a romantic relationship that might need more care and attention. You work tirelessly to get things done and naturally, positive results follow. Can you already see success and recognition coming your way? Your work will inspire subordinates to follow in your example. Skirt minor issues and work hard to hone skills that will help you carve out a bright future. You will be in the limelight in a few days.

Capricorn - A teacher or mentor has noticed your hard work. You are now recognized for your leadership qualities and talents. Enjoy the glory of this moment. In affairs of the heart, things may be trickier. End a relationship that isn't working. Travel may be a remedy for an aching heart. You now have the ability to extract the best out of people. It may be talent or games of lust. You're in a jovial mood, making you more approachable. Sensible behavior will save you a lot of possible trouble. You are attracted to partying and excessive behavior right now. Resist the temptations of alcohol, drugs and sex during this phase.

Aquarius - If your spiritual beliefs currently feel in doubt, a pilgrimage or foreign travel will give you a chance to research and reaffirm. Some legal affairs will soon be resolving, perhaps leaving you with an expected inheritance. Enjoy the good fortune or the moment but prioritize your health and avoid risky choices. Family and personal matters reign supreme right now. There may be financial gains in the form of inheritances or bequests. While you may feel impulsive and sentimental, you will overcome your emotions soon. Think about past successes and achievement and you will good about them and stronger than ever.

Pisces - You may be dealing with a setback, either in health or in your personal life. Take time to deal with this productively, avoiding the temptation of vice or risky sexual relationships. Money may be headed your way. Research your options for saving and investing. This turbulent phase can be best weathered by acting with caution and following your gut. Now is the time to establish/renew relationships so be vocal about your feelings. People will appreciate the clarity of your thoughts but think before you speak to avoid slips of the tongue. Recollections of the past may inspire you. This is a fine time to pursue creative pursuits and share them with loved ones you haven't seen in awhile.

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