Sunday, September 22, 2019


Aries - Workplace disputes may be getting out of hand and causing you worry. Just continue to work hard and obstacles will be overcome. Volunteering or serving others would be a rewarding opportunity. Look after your health and finances, consulting family as needed. Speak with caution today to avoid any confrontations. Your mind is susceptible to distractions so focus on one task at a time. You may feel emotional and overprotective. You desire connection with siblings, children and other dependents. You may feel the need, or have to do some short traveling.

Taurus - Letting loose and relaxing appeals to you a lot right now. You are ready to indulge your creative side. Do some diplomatic and without taking any unwise risks. A romantic partner or family member may offer guidance or introduce new ideas. Get in touch with your faith. Steer clear of extravagance and indulgence expenditures which could prove wasteful and harmful in the long term. Be prepared to face abundance and deficiency, whichever one you face. Determination and hard work will help you tackle any kind of problem. You are likely to review finances, budgets, income and expenses. Today will be all about finances, at all levels.

Gemini - Home renovations or car repairs may be stressing you right now. Look for solace in nature or in connections with a parent or parental figure. You may need to learn a new skill to get the job done. The knowledge you gain will help with your plan going forward. The new moon phase acts as a harbinger of hope and would leave you with infinite possibilities today. Reconnecting with old friends and relatives will top your priority list today. Happiness and contentment, both materially and emotionally, will come to you as long as you remain resilient. It's time for a fresh start. Misunderstandings will resolve peacefully and leave you feel renewed.

Cancer - Welcome the opportunity to travel. A short journey may involve the chance to write, to make music or take photos and selfies. Effective communication is critical right now. A younger sibling or someone who is your age - needs you to speak as well as to listen. Be bold and display your creativity. Looking deeply within yourself will lead to serenity and calm. Whether you fail or succeed, you will learn and benefit. Today's a spiritually charged day. Follow your heart instead of your head. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

Leo - Material things have your eye right now. Clothes, cooking, jewelry all appeal to your love of fashion and creativity. Revel in good company and good food. You are feeling rich in friends and talents right now. Love and being loved takes on a totally different meaning today. How you utilize this time depends on you. You may want to spend time with friends or engage in works of charity. Show your appreciation of loved ones today. Coming together in a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

Virgo - Not sure how to start anew? Something as simple as a fresh haircut could make you feel ready for the new phase you are embarking on. If you are looking to move up the ranks at work, display confidence and you'll succeed. Remain yourself of your strengths and happiness will follow. Take chances today. You won't regret it. The monthly cycle of material success has just set in. You feel a renewed sense of energy and passion. Satisfaction at work will carry to over to positive connections with loved ones. If you want the returns to be high, sometimes you have to take a greater risk.

Libra - A relative, perhaps a grandparent or elder, may need your assistance as they endure health concerns. Visits to rehabs, hospitals or doctor's offices may engross you at present. Save time to rest and be alone with your thoughts. Lighter days are ahead. Change is inevitable and not to be feared. A spiritual sojourn is in the cards. You are in an introspective phase. Now's the time for entertaining questions about life's meaning and working to resolve inequities in the world around you. Journeys planned might not materialize due to unexpected circumstances. Take one step at a time.

Scorpio - An accident affecting you or a relative, perhaps a sibling or uncle, may be causing stress at home. Take a break and get out to clubs and social events. The people you meet now may yield interesting networking possibilities. All day long, luck will be on your side and the possibilities are endless. Your finances may feel robust right now. Use new techniques to make ends meet. Trust your instinct, especially when trusting others. Maybe consequences are dear friends in stealthy disguise.

Sagittarius - Work is productive and fulfilling right now. Your performance and talents have been evaluated and passed with flying colors. Enjoy the glory of this moment and any rewards offered to you. You're full of energy and work is rewarding. Results feel effortless, though of course you are working hard. You're buoyant and eager to be with family. Alliances, both professional and social, may soon be established. Listen to those that seek to help and ignore detractors.

Capricorn - You may have the chance to travel, perhaps even abroad. If so, be sure to watch what you eat and take care to avoid injuries or accidents. This is an ideal moment to reexamine your beliefs or to take a class and do some research into a spiritual topic. This is a time of good fortune so make the most of it. You're embarking on new goals, supported by colleagues and superiors with a vested stake in your success. Amazing rewards may have already begun coming your way. This monthly phase will lead you down a path of revolutionary change and catapult you to center stage. Don't let greed get in your way and keep your sights firmly fixed on your target.

Aquarius - An inheritance or other source of unexpected money may be headed your way. Use the funds wisely, avoiding vices and risky behavior. A teacher or father figure may be going through a health setback. Be there to offer support. A secret may be shared with you. Take a break from the routine today. Partying, surfing the net or short travel will rejuvenate you. The company of loved ones makes it all the more enjoyable. You'll be the center of attention, radiating passion. Avoid overindulgence. Let the good times roll! Days like this don't come around often.

Pisces - A conflict with a relative or spouse may be on your mind. You may also be concerned about a financial setback. Make plans for the future today. Set up legal or business arrangements to bring you prosperity and peace in the future. Trouble is brewing at home. Loved ones may vie for your attention and affections in every conceivable manner. Your family's the best source for honest opinions and constructive suggestions. Right now loved ones need you to show up now with a point of view and express your opinions based on solid life experiences. That's what we call emotional reciprocity.

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