Friday, October 18, 2019


Aries - Now is an ideal time to travel. You are feeling inclined to spiritual matters, looking for answers in higher powers or even higher education. Seek the advice of a mentor or teacher who has insights to offer. If you go abroad, watch out for food poisoning or digestion problems. Keep an eye on your money. But enjoy this time for soul searching. Your company pleases others, as they rely on your intellect. Your ability to find creative solutions to problems is at its best and will make wonderful things happen. You will find yourself empathic to others' issues. He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own. This feels particularly true now.

Taurus - Life requires a lot from you at present. You may feel beset by enemies, with competition endangering your own security. Keep working hard and avoid vices. This phase of life will pass and a windfall of money, perhaps from an inheritance, may come your way. Connecting with loved ones and accomplishing workplace goals are your focus of the day. You want to spend money, as well as time, on loved ones today but don't overdo it. Prudence now will help you avoid financial strain later. As it is famously said, when restraint and courtesy are added to strength, the latter becomes irresistible

Gemini - You may be required at meetings focused around legal or financial issues. Avoid any risky pursuits. Be diplomatic in your dealings, both in business and in family affairs. A spouse or elder is looking for more time and attention from you. Don't let restlessness sap your vitality today. You are feeling lively and strong and are ready to channel that into your work. Exciting new personal and professional connections will enter your life. Action is the foundational key to all success, lay the foundation strong, act fast and act wise.

Cancer - You may find yourself embroiled in legal concerns right now, perhaps involving a car accident. Work requires a lot of you at the moment. Find peace of mind at home with family. Worrying about debts, maybe from a repair or renovation, will not serve you well. Instead, continue to work hard. Your efforts will yield success. Avoid making major decisions today. Give yourself more time to think things through. Work to help those in need. You will feel immensely satisfied if you do. Material wealth may have slipped down your priority list today. Emotional well being matters most to you right now. Sow the seeds of the future today through introspection and careful decision making. What you sow now, so shall you reap later.

Leo - Take some time to have fun, light-hearted moments with kids. It will refresh your creativity. Spiritual or religious matters may appeal to you right now. Keep your focus high-minded and avoid the distractions of gambling and risky speculation. It's time to enjoy the golden moments of your life again. You feel at peace and want to be yourself and forget about the larger world. Relax and enjoy, taking care not to neglect family. Maintaining balance and close connections is the key for a happy life. Be yourself and don't let enjoyment rule your life.

Virgo - Time spent with family offers a sense of peace. Attend to domestic concerns. Repairs and renovations may require your attention and money. Devote some of your energy to caring for those who have cared for you, perhaps a maternal figure. Home is truly where the heart is right now. You feel unstoppable today, ready to talk your way into a coveted position. Recognition is now yours. Be caution in your conversations and remain positive in your relationships. Keep in the right frame of mind and all conflicts will be peacefully resolved.

Libra - New opportunities are headed your way, perhaps including the chance to travel. Take care to communicate effectively by letter or email or by being an attentive listener with conversations. Worries about a younger sibling may be causing you stress. Pursue shared activities that bring you both happiness, perhaps going to a concert or show. Out of the blue, something may change the direction of your current situation, leading to prosperity and growth. Overseas connections could lead to new professional alliances. Fascinating people may accompany you on travel leading to longstanding camaraderie. Use tact to keep the peace in friendships. The closer you are to a person, the more vital kindness and courtesy become.

Scorpio - Travel plans may need to be revamped or even cancelled. Money may be tight at present so be frugal when you have the option. Enjoy moments with friends and family.
Yesterday I dared to struggle; today I dare to win. This describes your current situation aptly. Obstacles give way to opportunities and success will come your way. Relationships flourish and new ones may require formal business arrangements. Without even realizing it, you are headed towards victory. Even your smile can win the battle now and be a source of joy.

Sagittarius - When the desire is strong enough, the universe conspires to make it happen. Your dreams of love and professional success propel you towards honesty and truth. Believe in yourself and dream big as this is the day when your every thought counts. Monumental events may unfold, depending on your state of mind.

Capricorn - You feel stressed. Take time to recuperate, to meditate or analyze important decisions before you. Rest is the order of the day. After all the hurdles and evaluations you have been through, you have earned this time downtime. The passion you radiate makes you the center of attention. Your sweat and toil will be appreciated. It's time to rejoice, to serve others and learn more about yourself in the process. Be careful not to neglect your health while taking pleasure in work.

Aquarius - You are in a sociable mood and ready to network with new connections. Enjoy participation in groups or clubs. Your charm will be on full display. Make sure you save time and energy to attend to matters at home though. A parent or sibling may need your attention or comfort right now. The poet and artist within you demands extreme and ecstatic experiences. Love and lust may be confused at times but it isn't a bad idea to take a companion out on a romantic date. Emotions take precedence over finances as you explore your creative side. If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.

Pisces - A change in status may be headed your way. Your hard work has been noticed. A recent evaluation has gone favorably. Rewards will soon be yours. Problems at home might be demanding right now. Deal with conflicts and end relationships that are no longer worth the heartache. Domestic and parental issues are your focus for today. Confront the situation on its own term. Take time off from your busy schedule to relax and recuperate. Personal issues that have been neglected may take center stage today. Care for your health and give yourself some richly deserved rest.

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