Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Aries - Spirituality and creativity motivate you most right now. Work may be causing you a great deal of stress. Take time for romance and to be with those closest to you. Relationships that are unfulfilling may be ending. New opportunities and new sources of income may be headed your way very soon. The nitty gritty of your routine is leaving you feeling drained. Look for excitement and welcome it when it arrives. Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don't let them scare you unduly. Without imagination and dreaming we lose the excitement of possibilities.

Taurus - You may be needed to meetings, perhaps to discuss domestic affairs. Tend to family matters right now, as they are first and foremost in your mind. It may be time to make a decision on a large scale plan. Spend time with your spouse or significant other today. Luck is with you in matters of money and affairs of the heart. What you get out of each depends on what you put in . Wrap up things vying for your attention, whether it's legal documents or a gift for a loved ones. Use your latent skills to convert chances to opportunities. Hope makes so much possible.

Gemini - You may have a chance to travel, perhaps for job training or work obligation. If health or debts are causing you worry, communicate with those close to you, by phone, email, text or in person. Listen to the advice of family. New opportunities will be yours once you move past these present difficulties. Today is one of the best days for salespeople and deal-making. You need to pitch your ideas and you do so effectively. Give work your all and you will reap the rewards. You will learn a lot from your own experiences and the wisdom of others. Make the most of this knowledge and apply it skillfully.

Cancer - Enjoy leisure time with family, especially children or a significant other. Balancing your finances should be possible if you avoid gambling or unwise speculation. Speak up and voice concerns on your mind but do so with diplomacy. A grandfather or grandfather figure has an important role to play right now. It's time to celebrate after all your recent hard work. You're the life of the party. Because you've been so busy, your partner may be feeling neglected and emotionally distant. Spend time with loved ones and share your warm personality with all. Don't neglect the loved ones who have always been and will always be the foundation of your life.

Leo - Time spent at home brings opportunities for peace and meaningful connection. You may find yourself facing an opportunity to study something new or change residence. Conversations with family, especial a maternal figure, will bolster your self-worth. You are balancing work and home right now and everything feels in sync. You're full of passionate, sexual energy. Friends and family, including distant relatives, enrich your social scene. Those in need turn to you. You lend a helping hand and this in turn gives you the ultimate pleasure.

Virgo - Sudden change is weighing on you. You don't feel like communicating. You'd rather be alone. Take time to meditate or write down your dreams. Answers may be waiting in your own subconscious. Visit with elders and see life through their eyes. Destructive habits should be avoided at all cost. Remain calm throughout your day's work as losing your cool could cost you the gains you've earned in the past. Concern for loved ones will take priority over work/office. You may have a love/hate relationship with your obligations right now. Keep your cool and don't lose your temper. Anger would undo all the good work of the past few weeks.

Libra - You are feeling newly rich right now and ready to share that wealth with friends and family. Enjoy good company. Others are drawn to your charisma right now. New connections made now may prove helpful in the future. Delegate some responsibilities to others if you are overloaded with tasks. Your office and home are both very demanding now but you are poised to handle both. Be wary of restlessness. The only remedy to this problem is setting up priorities and focusing on them one at a time.

Scorpio - Enjoy the praise that is offered. You have earned this success. You will be recognized for your hard work and leadership qualities. A change in status may be on the horizon. Revel in the promotion or raise. Monetary gain is likely today, whether won, earned or even snatched. Your proficiency in your work gains positive notice. Appreciations is a strong motivator and turns enemies into friends. The choices you make today will reap great benefits. Remember that attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Go win the world today!

Sagittarius - You are in a spiritual mood right now, perhaps even feeling world weary. Taking a break from the strife around you would be healthy and wise. A trip may be in order, perhaps in the company of a parent or mentor. Look inward and examine your own religious views right now. Today will bring a sudden clarity of vision. A new outlook towards life will take you new places. Approach it with excitement. A clear vision paired with hard work will put you on the fast track to a new goal or opportunity. Get ready to dig in and think big!

Capricorn - Enjoy social events but don't overdo it. Avoid the health dangers of vices. Someone in your life, perhaps a relative or mentor, is facing a setback or illness. A vestige from your past may suddenly reappear. Handle change with grace since it is unavoidable. Swift action is not always wise. Sometimes you need to take time to work through your decisions and resolve any confusion. Now is an excellent moment to look to spirituality for guidance or to do some meditating. It will endow you with some much needed mental strength which will see you through the end of the day.

Aquarius - An important decision requires your attention. Work may involve meetings and contracts right now as you work to close a deal. Play attention to the needs of those closest to you in order to resolve any conflicts at home. You now have a strong craving to reach out to friends and relatives. Extend your hospitality and you will expand your worldview. New doors of opportunity have already been opened, just waiting for you to cross the threshold. Sometimes great opportunities present themselves as impossible situations.

Pisces - An accident or injury may have you locked in a legal dispute. Take a trip or enroll in a class to get your present worries off your mind. Good fortune is headed your way, perhaps even in the form of money or a new career option. You might feel like you are on a lucky streak today. Your dexterity at work will earn you recognition. In the ecstasy of success don't lose your head. Acting rashly could endanger the progress you've made. The man who makes a success of an important venture never wails for the crowd. He strikes out for himself. It takes nerve, it takes a great lot of grit; but the man that succeeds has both.

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