Thursday, November 21, 2019


Aries - A health concern may be on your mind. Make good decisions, avoiding drugs, alcohol and other vices. The supernatural or occult speak to you now, perhaps as a way to find out more about a recent sorrow or setback. Disturbances in travel may occur so plan accordingly. Your trailing blazing attitude suddenly is supported by colleagues and superiors. They appreciate your style and way of getting things done. You work tirelessly and the results are equally stunning. This is just the beginning; don't let smaller rewards get in your way. You've got big dreams and are determined to accomplish them.

Taurus - Big plans are in the making! If you are not married, it may be time to plan a wedding. Consult with family and communicate with care to avoid further conflicts. Be conservative in your spending and plan ahead as much as possible. You're looking for meaningful experiences today. Go for it and ask him or her out. Enjoy life and don't overanalyze it. Your charisma is attractive to your peers. Time with family is also important. This time, like all times, is a good time, only if you know what to do with it.

Social upsets are possible, or you may find that you are unable to do something pleasurable even though you would really like to. You may get attracted to someone who is simply not right for you, or may face minor problems in existing love affairs.

Gemini - Litigation as a result of an accident or injury may be inevitable. Don't give into worries. Hard work will be required. Keep in mind those who depend on you, such as children or pets. Offering services or doing volunteer work may be a rewarding experience right now. Take time off to mend fences at home. Your home life feels more troubled than usual but you are needed by your family as a source of inspiration and honest advice. Your loved ones have stood by you through thick and thin. Always keep in mind that wanting people to dance of your order would only make matter worse.

Cancer - Take some richly deserved time for leisure. Get in touch with spirituality or find new ways to engage your intellect and creativity. Spend wisely, avoiding gambling and risky ventures. Make time for your partner and for carefree moments with kids. Diplomacy will get you a long way right now. Actions speak louder than words and if words go wrong actions will save you. You may find yourself drawn to talk today but think before you speak. Avoid being quick-tempered today. You may find yourself particularly drawn towards family and close friends today. You may feel overprotective. Refrain from appearing scattered.

Leo - Home is in your mind right now, as repairs and renovations are being discussed. Have a heart to heart with loved ones and truly speak your mind. A long drive to somewhere remote may offer you a sense of peace. Pick up a new skill. It will serve you well in days ahead. Making informed decisions and weighing liabilities will work to your advantage. Steer clear of unnecessary shopping and expenditures. Finances will be the focus on the day. A windfall might even come your way, one that you have certainly earned through hard work. Be ready to face abundance or deficiency, whichever one arises, with equal determination and preparation.

Your intentions and actions harmonize, which improves your relationships with others and with your own body and spirit. This is a good time to heal your mind. You could experience an improvement in your family affairs or domestic circumstances, as well as your business pursuits.

Virgo - You may hear from a neighbour today -- keep calm and just listen. Take a chance on a new personal or professional opportunities. Time to run errands, wash cars, carry heavy packages including monthly supplies and groceries. Today is one of the best days of the month to embark upon new endeavors. Your inner self never felt as connected with the outside world as it does today. Some reasonable changes to your looks, attitude and surrounding will reap benefits. Take care not to overdo it but enjoy!

Libra - The world is your oyster. Enjoy food, music, good company. You have been wise financially and now have resources to splurge a bit. Share your creative talents with family who are ready to be impressed! Follow your dreams and fantasies today. Let your heart rule over your head. The pursuit of happiness may take you new places. Remember that happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness grows in direct proportion to acceptance.

Social upsets are possible, or you may find that you are unable to do something pleasurable even though you would really like to. You may get attracted to someone who is simply not right for you, or may face minor problems in existing love affairs.

Scorpio - Your current location may feel limiting. You are now looking for a fresh start or a reboot. Your outward appearance may be a good place to start. Experiment and enjoy. You are at the beginning of a new phase. Believe in yourself. Remain confident and strong. Expect a group discussion with like-minded people today. You look forward to charitable works and activities of social welfare. You will find satisfaction in group endeavors. Help inspire loyalty and cooperation and your group will have success.

Sagittarius - You may find yourself dealing with health concerns right now, visiting doctors or hospitals. Rest and make time for spiritual reflection. You may be feeling cut off or restrained in some way right now. Change is ahead. Prepare for it now by facing your fears and making wise decisions. Work is intensely satisfying right now. Redefine your goals and make the most of the newfound energy you're enjoying. You've earned the respect of others. Don't be shy about taking risks. Remember that you can't discover new heights unless you have the courage to lose sight of the ground.

Minor annoyances, such as unexpected bills coming your way or arguments with others over personal philosophies, may be part of the picture. You are more sensitive to injustices (or perceived injustices), but you should avoid behavior that is self-righteous or haughty.

Capricorn - Sudden domestic trouble may arise now, perhaps stemming from a theft or accident. This setback is temporary, as good fortune will soon be yours. Enjoy leisure time with a friend or sibling. Network opportunities may arise so allow your charm to show through. Spend some quality time alone. You may find new meaning in your own existence and a resolution to an issue that's been bugging you. Weed out disbelief and search for peace of mind. Confronting legal or moral issues will result in clarity of thought. An unexpected issue may prompt you to plan a sudden journey.

Aquarius - Your hard work has earned you some rewards. Enjoy the newfound glory and recognition. Be sure to also be attentive to domestic affairs. A relationship or children may be in need right now. You're on a lucky streak today. Finances are revamped and leave you feeling energetic. Take a calculated risk. You have a lot of juggle but you will reap the benefits before long. Good fortune will bring fresh opportunities your way.

Pisces - Right now you may feel pulled towards re-examining your beliefs or embarking on a new educational path. Take a trip with a mentor or teacher who can offer you insights. This is a moment of good fortune. Enjoy the fresh opportunities presented to you. You seek advice from those closest to you. Listen to all but do what feels right. Save time for family and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Newfound confidence helps you see fresh opportunities. You have the freedom to make mistakes and even cope with failure.

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