Thursday, November 28, 2019


Aries - Those who depend on you may be causing you worry. Keep working hard and you will see good fortune in days ahead. You are establishing your reputation as someone who is dependable and diligent. If family or loved ones are in need, make their comfort a priority, perhaps taking a short trip to be with them. You may feel like the reins of life are beyond your control. You are waiting for others to notice your talents and poise. Share your ideas and go after the success you seek. If Plan A doesn't work, remember that there are 25 other letters in the alphabet!

You are biking with the wind behind you, which gives you extra smooth power that effortlessly eats up the miles. Keep up the pace without straining so when it's time to take a rest or the wind changes, you'll have the accomplishment you need under your belt. Sustain without strain for the greatest gain.

Taurus - A professional setback may be weighing on you. Take a break and have some fun. Amusement with a partner or children will lighten your mood. Avoid risky ventures and ask advice from elders. Be diplomatic in relationships that are tense right now. Newfound freedom empowers you at all levels. Spiritually and intellectually you feel free. An adventure or task breaks the monotony of recent days. Avoid rash decisions. You are at your best when you apply introspection to the choices before you.

Heightened appetites (of all sorts) are likely, as will be opportunities to fulfill them. Pick as you would from a smorgasbord and don't try to grab everything - the taste is what counts, volume only slows you down. Variety is the spice, intensity the sweetness, whatever or whoever is involved.

Gemini - A big purchase may be on your mind right now, perhaps a needed repair or renovation. Tend to matters at home and you will find peace in the long term. You may find yourself in conflict with a parent, perhaps over finances or religious matters. Talk openly and focus on working through family conflicts. That it will not come again makes the day electrifying and there is a need for spontaneity in decision making. There may be a mishap and something might achieve its destiny. Avoid brushing things beneath the rug and face things as they are.

Cancer - Legal concerns and financial matters may prompt a short ride, phone calls, emails and pings. New work opportunities wait ahead of you. Music and dance offer a chance to relieve some stress. Time with children or pets take your mind off your current worries. You need emotional contact with others today. Your ability to reach out to people will help you both personally and professionally. You now draw up expansive plans for the future. Back these up with commitment and hard work and you will be unstoppable. Your dedication and work ethic have been noticed. Your openness is the key to your success today.

Leo - Legal concerns and financial matters may prompt a short ride, phone calls, emails and pings. New work opportunities wait ahead of you. Music and dance offer a chance to relieve some stress. Time with children or pets take your mind off your current worries. You need emotional contact with others today. Your ability to reach out to people will help you both personally and professionally. You now draw up expansive plans for the future. Back these up with commitment and hard work and you will be unstoppable. Your dedication and work ethic have been noticed. Your openness is the key to your success today.

Virgo - Now is a good moment to initiate a repair of renovation at home. Being around loved ones will allow you to assess your station in life and form new plans. A change of appearance, perhaps a fresh hairstyle, may be in order. The outside world fascinates and delights you right now. You can expect a sudden desire/invitation to see a movie, explore the arena, play a game, or take in a play and that might be a reason for your delight. Enjoy yourself but don't let rationality leave you.

Libra - You need a break from the world. Sleep, rest and let yourself dream. A recent loss pains you. Don't look to destructive habits to deal with your sorrow. Instead, meditate, pray or seek the solace of loved ones. Time for self-care is never wasted. Tend to your responsibilities at home and in your community and enjoy the resulting goodwill. You feel emotionally and financially secure. Memories of the past, some bitter, some sweet, will be on your mind and will help you establish the foundations of a strong and formidable future. Let bygones be bygones. Long term planning always helps.

Heightened appetites (of all sorts) are likely, as will be opportunities to fulfill them. Pick as you would from a smorgasbord and don't try to grab everything - the taste is what counts, volume only slows you down. Variety is the spice, intensity the sweetness, whatever or whoever is involved.

Scorpio - Make time to listen to an elder sibling. You may find yourself engaged on social media, phones, texts, pings and notifications. Relationships are richly fulfilling at present, with many people interested in being around you. Your company is in demand. Enjoy this sociable moment. Good fortune is yours! Prepare wisely to be on time for appointments today. Visiting and communicating with others will be a highlight of the day. Today will be a success for those working in artistic fields. Expect the unexpected. A good time to socialize and renew your connections.

Saggitarius - Work is rewarding right now. Your diligence on the job has been noticed. A reward, perhaps a change in status or wages, is on its way. Your leadership qualities are noticed and admired by coworkers and superiors alike. Enjoy the success. You've earned it. Make all decisions carefully today. Remain rational and you will not be misled. Be judicious with your resources and the make the most of what you have. Wise investments will pay off. If you wish to succeed now, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brothers, and hope your guardian genius.

Capricorn - Health or financial worries may be troubling you, making you feel imprisoned or confined. Take a journey to gain some insight into your own beliefs. Make time for self-care now as change is head. Make wellness a priority. Today is one of the best days of the month to embark upon new endeavors. Your inner self never felt as connected with the outside world as it does today. Some reasonable changes to your looks, attitude and surrounding will reap benefits. Take care not to overdo it but enjoy!

Aquarius - A recent loss may be a source of grief right now. Avoid vices or risky behaviors as they will only lead to humiliation or ill health. Take pleasure in social interactions with friends who will find you warm and engaging. Good fortune is waiting for you in coming days. You are trying to get in touch with your true self right now. This is an ideal day for asking yourself the larger questions of life like "who am I?" and "what am I meant to do?". Gather your thoughts and sort out your priorities. Enjoy peace and solitude as you establish goals to move forward.

Taking the unbeaten path can net you a short cut that saves time and money, so think your way out of the box and don't be afraid to take an original leap. If you keep your feet on the ground, you can be a lightning rod for new ideas that will go to the bank with your name on them.

Pisces - You may feel mired down in conflict at home. Talking things through with a spouse or partner is the best course of action. A large scale decision needs to be made. At work, enjoy the fruits of your labor. You've been working hard so savor the positive feedback. This is an ideal time to revive old friendships. You may feel a strong desire to be part of a social group. Be more outgoing and expressive. Reach out to old friends and to relatives. Try to put others' needs before your own. It will help you feel more connected and in touch with those around you.

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