Wednesday, December 25, 2019


ARIES - A parent or mentor may be experiencing a loss right now. Relationships may be complicated at the moment, as you may feel unheard or ignored. At work, your talents have been spotted so look for a bonus or reward on the horizon. Focus on your health right now, especially any concerns that have been nagging you. Glory is yours today. Your talents are in demand and are noticed by others. Pending work will be concluded satisfactorily. You feel the freedom to explore and be creative. Matters surrounding authority figures will take center stage. Just give it your best and forget about everything else.

TAURUS - A partner or close companion may accompany you on a short trip. Be careful how you travel and what you eat while you are away. You may be on the verge of a big sale or purchase. Be sure to weigh all options carefully. Make time for spiritual reflection as a break from all your monetary concern. Anxieties are possible but you handle them well. Don't worry too much about schedules or routines. There will be domestic shake-ups, new ideas and inventions for you to deal with. Socializing is possible, as are some fresh beginnings. Don't act without thinking things through. You don't want to risk all you have accomplished.

GEMINI - Competition at work is a source of stress. Continue to work hard and your efforts will be rewarded. The opportunity for some new training or to learn a new skill may present itself. Spend wisely right now and be careful to avoid injury or accidents during travel. You feel newly empowered to concentrate on tasks at hand. Cash flow, liquid assets, even property and joint-funds will have to be handled. Take time to analyze your finances and sort out your life's circumstances. This way gains better results. Always remember that you can only solve life's problems if you meet them head on.

CANCER - Work may be a source of chaos and confusion right now. Weight ideas carefully and make a plan for professional success. Take time for fun but avoid gambling and excess monetary risk. That will cause further stress instead of relieving it. New partnerships and collaborations may be developing now, perhaps even requiring legal attention. Socially, you are enjoy stimulating conversations, wining and dining. A change is in store today. Whether you are prepared or not, the world will expect a lot from you. But what matters most is love and companionship.

LEO - You may be worrying over health concerns or home repairs at the moment, with looming debts on your mind. Take some time to be at home and sort out finances. Relatives, perhaps a parent or uncle, will offer you assistance in your work ahead. Be careful traveling by car today. The world will make demands of you, given your position of power and responsibility. The quiet life, the joy of family, appeals to you now. Take care of your well being, as issues of health and fitness may arise. Today is the best day to appreciate people who serve you (and expect the same from people who you serve).You get an extra boost of physical energy. This allows you to carry yourself farther and ride the crest of the wave that extra distance. Things play in your style, so you don't have to strain. For a couple of days, you've got extra cards, so play them.

VIRGO - You may have an opportunity to travel, perhaps with or to see a younger sibling or grandparent. Diplomacy in communication is critical right now. Use all available means to stay in touch -- email, text, phone and social media. Others appreciate your creative spirit so share art, song, photos or dance with loved ones. Work hard, party harder is the theme of the day. You feel generous, ready to share your bounty with others. Leisure and romance matter more than usual to you right now. You want to express feelings of affection and others are ready to connect. Try to rise about the mean, the small minded and plan something larger than life today.

LIBRA - Vehicle repairs or replacement may be causing you to re-evaluate your finances. Don't put off necessary patch ups and be patient with neighbors. Going to a show or enjoying art will give you a needed break. Today you are in harmony with both your work and home environments, willing to go out on a limb for those who matter to you. Home is full of comfort, joy and reciprocity. This is a time to revive your sense of security. Personal affairs take priority over world affairs at the moment. A willingness to listen to others will help solve the majority of your problems right now.

SCORPIO - You are at a good place, personally and professionally. Take stock of your own strength and limitations. Expressing your creative side bolsters your self worth. A new opportunity awaits. Pursue it courageously. Home and family matter most right now. It's a time to emotional connection and tenderness. Soothe your worries by sharing household tasks. Reaching out is the goal, in person or via the phone and even social media. You might want to impress people with your creative flare today. All to the good, if not carried to excess.

SAGITTARIUS - You may be feeling confided and a sudden need to get away. A recent loss may propel you on a spiritual quest. Prayer or meditation may offer relief. Take time and make space to be alone with your thoughts. Those closest to you may help you as you navigate through this confusing personal moment. You've got big plans today. Make sure you set realistic plans towards achieving them. You are a capable multi-tasker and will be able to organize your time and resources well. Be financially secure is important as you map out a plan. Dream big but take one step at a time.

CAPRICORN - You are eager to be around others right now and they are eager to be around you as well. Your charm is on full display, allowing you to make some interesting new connections. Enjoy time with friends and siblings. Success is on the horizon. New income or unexpected gain may soon be yours. Fresh perspectives await you and with these new outlooks, so new opportunities in yet another new moon phase. Material and emotional gain are on the horizon. Be get bogged down in negative emotions. Share your thoughts and ideas readily. Those around you are prepared to listen to your side of things. Conflicts will be pleasantly resolved.

AQUARIUS - Life at home may be challenging right now and full of stressors. Don't neglect your health and well-being. Make and keep needed appointments for doctor visits. Enjoy the recognition you are gained at work. Your hard work has paid off. Relish the glory of this moment. Time for introspection allows you to realize new things about yourself. You are examining your own values and reassessing your priorities. The search for meaning is uplifting though at times you may feel hesitant to act. Before starting on a new project or making a large scale decision, give yourself plenty of time to think.Taking the unbeaten path can net you a short cut that saves time and money, so think your way out of the box and don't be afraid to take an original leap. If you keep your feet on the ground, you can be a lightning rod for new ideas that will go to the bank with your name on them.

PISCES - A change in career might prompt the need or option to travel. The journey may open your ideas to new and exciting spiritual paths. Enjoy social interactions with friends and family who will be receptive to your charm. It may be time to enroll in higher ed or take a class to learn something new. New relationships are in the works. Even old rivals are ready to befriend you. These connections are a positive outlet for your excitement and yield helpful alliances. Finances and deals will be made with the aid of those you enlist now. So spend time with friends or groups. Give people what they want. Be there to witness and listen.

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