Thursday, January 30, 2020


ARIES:- Debts and obstacles may be on your mind, causing you considerable worry. Continue to work hard and the obstacles facing you will disappear. Make time for leisure activities where you can be in friendly company. In groups and clubs your charm is magnetic right now. Only you can decide if the glass is half empty or half full. Be flexible in your outlook. What seems like an obstacle may be an opportunity in disguise. Now's a good time to recommit to your health. Getting in shape will be satisfying and will make you feel great!You can more confidently rely on your instincts now, and you react well to competition. Something shall heighten your feelings, awakens your impulses, and stirs your passions, mostly in a positive way. Do something that breaks the routine or that you've always wanted to do but have been hesitating to do due to shyness or fear. You'll pull it off with finesse now.

TAURUS:- Trust your gut in a deal offered right now. If it doesn't feel right, feel free to work away. Work offers new opportunities right now, especially since your leadership skills and creativity have been noticed. A spouse or partner may be feel neglecting so save some time for romance. A loved one's needs your time and attention and might even disrupt the daily course of your day. Attend to them rather than trying to avoid them. Introspection could be helpful now. Take care to avoid alcohol and other vices, and do not drink and drive. Spend time with family and loved ones.

GEMINI:- A short journey, maybe to a peaceful natural setting, reconnects you to your spiritual center and revive pleasant memories. A parent or child may be in need of your care right now. Place emphasis on domestic affairs, on making sure life is tranquil at home, and you will find good fortune in coming days. Networking is key today. Enjoy the moment and savor good company. You will feel like networking, sharing new idea or performing service work for your community. Let go of grudges, stay focused and you will enjoy revelry and new opportunities.

CANCER:- Work and money troubles consume your mind at present. Take a short trip to distract yourself. Write, photograph, engage in activities that satisfy your creative spirit. New opportunities await and along with them another source of income. Professionally, this is one of the best days of the month for you. You may win accolades for work you've done. Listen to others as they have valuable insights and opportunities to offer. If you are warm and receptive others will be eager to help.

LEO:- Speak up at a meeting today. Your viewpoint on a contract or sale is needed. Enjoy a meal with close companions. The sights, sounds and smell of home are worth more than any worldly possession. Start the day on a positive note and the best will come your way. You're full of energy and may want to indulge in hobbies and travel. Unexpected problems may test you but you'll handle them well. Remember that the ultimate measure of an individual is how they respond in times of challenge and controversy.

VIRGO:- Legal concerns may be a barrier to happiness at present. Continue to put in effort at work and you will see new opportunities headed your way. Ignore the talk of enemies and concentrate on those that depend on you and bring your a sense of self-worth and belonging. Romantic excitement brightens your day. If not committed, now may be the time to take that step. If feeling stressed, solicit the help of others. You'll feel better if you confide in loved ones. Relax and let yourself enjoy the small things in life.

LIBRA:- Take time to be alone if you are feeling self-destructive. Be diplomatic and exercise restraint in your relationships. This is a time to look inward, to be creative and meditative. If you have endured a loss, perhaps of a grandparent or grandparent figure, look to friends and loved ones for solace and hope. In the right mood, life is a party. That's how it feels lately. Spending time with loved one occupies much of your time. Advice from others help you achieve your true potential. You realize that you already have everything that you need to be successful in your endeavors.

SCORPIO:- You are feeling success right now with cash to burn. Avoid being indulgent. Save some money for a rainy day, for a project at home that might require your funds or skills. Make time for relaxing excursions with friends or siblings, maybe camping or travelling. Keep networking possibilities in mind as some interesting new relationships are about to enter your life. Concentrate on your job and avoid getting embroiled in several activities at the same time. Stay focused on the big picture. Work will be entertaining and engrossing today, with goals within reach. You feel productive and capable of finish all tasks at hand. Spend your energy addressing the complexities of relationships.

SAGITTARIUS:- Work is a place of opportunity right now. You have been working hard and others have been taking notice as your reputation soars. It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and one bad one to lose it. A time to rock and roll, throw a party, invite friends and reignite the passions and desires. Be careful not to get carried away, especially with drugs, alcohol or sex. You may be both excited and anxious about a new relationship in the making. Spend time with family and children too, as the stars indicate a hectic week ahead.

CAPRICORN:- Intellectual pursuits appeal to you right now. It may be time to head back to school and learn something new. You may be required to travel soon. Set legal affairs in order and take some time to explore spiritual matters as well. A father figure has a prominent role to play right now. Exercise restraint and control your temper to protect recent gains. Your emotions rule your head and family matters may outweigh work concerns. A return to the past may summon nostalgia. You may feel moody and insecurity. Take time for yourself to think, rethink and solve internal problems.

AQUARIUS:- Take care of your health, especially any issues you have been ignoring. Avoiding vice and unwise sexual relationships will lead to increased wellness. Spiritual matters may be on your mind and may serve as a way to work through current conflicts. A flashback from your past may sudden reappear. You may feel overloaded with responsibilities right now. Various modes of communication keep you connected with those individuals on your mind. Watch your words when you interact to avoid awkward situations. Professional and personal communication will be fruitful and possibly emotional. Keep a check on your tongue and don't say things that you yourself would not want to hear.

PISCES:- Legal plans or contracts require your attention right now. Solicit advice for your spouse or significant other. This may be a moment for seclusion as you may need to attend to health or wellness concerns. Stay out of conflicts and avoid unwise connections. The money issues you've been
facing are now at the forefront. Adjusting your monthly expenses should solve the majority of your problems. Channel your resources towards promising options instead of items you don't really need. Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it NOW.

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