Thursday, March 26, 2020



ARIES - Work is rewarding right now. Your diligence on the job has been noticed. A reward, perhaps a change in status or wages, is on its way. Your leadership qualities are noticed and admired by coworkers and superiors alike. Enjoy the success. You've earned it. Today you can tell clearly what matters most to you. Use your time and resources wisely. Luck favors you so take a big leap. It's not what happens to you that determines how far you go in life; it is how you handle what happens to you.

TAURUS – Health or financial worries may be troubling you, making you feel imprisoned or confined. Take a journey to gain some insight into your own beliefs. Make time for self-care now as change is head. Make wellness a priority. The new moon brings with it new passion and possibilities. Excitement is on the horizon but take care not to let it overwhelm you. Play your cards close to your chest today. Enjoy personal and material achievements headed your way and continue to persevere. With hard work, more will follow!

GEMINI - A recent loss may be a source of grief right now. Avoid vices or risky behaviors as they will only lead to humiliation or ill health. Take pleasure in social interactions with friends who will find you warm and engaging. Good fortune is waiting for you in coming days. If you are feeling shaky about a fresh project, give it time. Plan for it and look deep within. You possess talents and qualities that have been long forgotten. Rework your goals. Make time for introspection now and you will see positive results in the next few days.

CANCER - You may feel mired down in conflict at home. Talking things through with a spouse or partner is the best course of action. A large scale decision needs to be made. At work, enjoy the fruits of your labor. You've been working hard so savor the positive feedback. You are in need for friends' assistance. Seek out individuals offering mutual understanding and trust. They will augment your talents and hence your effectiveness in work. Rivals will also be on your side. Spend time with others and listen to what they have to say.

LEO – Those who depend on you may be causing you worry. Keep working hard and you will see good fortune in days ahead. You are establishing your reputation as someone who is dependable and diligent. If family or loved ones are in need, make their comfort a priority, perhaps taking a short trip to be with them. Today may bring you good luck. It's an optimal moment to pursue your ambitions. The hard work you've been putting in is about to bring you recognition. Financial opportunities may follow, as others have noticed your talent. What you want to do and what you can do is only limited by what you think you can do. Dream big.

VIRGO - A professional setback may be weighing on you. Take a break and have some fun. Amusement with a partner or children will lighten your mood. Avoid risky ventures and ask advice from elders. Be diplomatic in relationships that are tense right now. Innovations bring excitement to life. New plans might have to be quickly drawn up and impromptu journeys may leave you stressed. Domestic fracas may dampen your spirit but just temporarily. Socializing will revive you. Keep your head as you have too much going on to risk it all right now.

LIBRA - A big purchase may be on your mind right now, perhaps a needed repair or renovation. Tend to matters at home and you will find peace in the long term. You may find yourself in conflict with a parent, perhaps over finances or religious matters. Talk openly and focus on working through family conflicts. Have you been disappointed lately? Faith in yourself will help you overcome life's hurdles. People may not honor their promises, as sometimes happens, thus requiring you to dive into details and fine print. Money matters are likely to occupy your mind. Money can't buy happiness though, so remain optimistic and surround yourself with positive-minded people today.

SCORPIO - Legal concerns and financial matters may prompt a short ride, phone calls, emails and pings. New work opportunities wait ahead of you. Music and dance offer a chance to relieve some stress. Time with children or pets take your mind off your current worries. Love is the only true reality among life's many illusions. To love and be loved matter most to you at this moment. If you are not already committed, a new relationship may come your way today. Liaisons of any kind, emotional or professional, will be enriching. These associations ask much of you but you are sure to meet expectations.

SAGITTARIUS - You are feeling creative and spiritually charged right now, eager to express yourself through music or fashion. Material possessions may hold special appeal but avoid unnecessary financial risks. Get your financial affairs in order. Time spent with family, with children or elders, will prove enjoyable. Make time for romance with someone special. Avoid stress. Take things as they come. Work can wait. Take time off to mend fences at home. A balance between work and home is important but domestic matters cannot be neglected forever. A stitch in time saves nine. Pay needed attention to your health too as that will be helpful in the long run.

CAPRICORN - Now is a good moment to initiate a repair of renovation at home. Being around loved ones will allow you to assess your station in life and form new plans. A change of appearance, perhaps a fresh hairstyle, may be in order. Love and romance control you as you pursue worldly pleasures. If not in a relationship, this might be the moment you find your better half. You feel electrified, full of joy, savoring what the day brings. So enjoy this amazing moment in time and embrace the world with your heart wide open.

AQUARIUS – You need a break from the world. Sleep, rest and let yourself dream. A recent loss pains you. Don't look to destructive habits to deal with your sorrow. Instead, meditate, pray or seek the solace of loved ones. Time for self-care is never wasted. Career matters less than family right now. You're mature enough to give freely without needing to take. You may encounter an old acquaintance. This is a fine moment to renew associations with father figures such as bosses or mentors and stay connected with the family tree that can be trusted to assist you in times of need.Your desire for change is stimulated now. This is a moment in when you may act on a whim, or you could encounter something surprising. Nobody can force you to do anything just now, you are only in the mood to do things voluntarily. Allow for many possibilities, put few restrictions on projects, keep your options open, and expect the unexpected.

PISCES - Make time to listen to an elder sibling. You may find yourself engaged on social media, phones, texts, pings and notifications. Relationships are richly fulfilling at present, with many people interested in being around you. Your company is in demand. Enjoy this sociable moment. Good fortune is yours! Quality time with family and neighbors strengthens bonds, especially with parents, spouse and siblings. This is a time for meaningful interaction, tenderness and care. Technology will help facilitate the building of relationships. Reaching out is vital. You might want to impress people with your creative flare today. This is fine if not carried to excess.

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