Monday, April 13, 2020


ARIES - A siblings or neighbor may be going through a crisis right now. Your plans may be complicated or cancelled as a result. Make this a time of quietude and rest. Change is inevitable and acceptance is the path. You want to break from routine right now and seek fresh ideas. Work may feel draining and uninspiring but stick to the tasks and responsibilities before you. Fresh dreams and inspiration are headed your way. Sometimes without leaps of imagination we lose the excitement of possibilities.

TAURUS -  A siblings or neighbor may be going through a crisis right now. Your plans may be complicated or cancelled as a result. Make this a time of quietude and rest. Change is inevitable and acceptance is the path. You want to break from routine right now and seek fresh ideas. Work may feel draining and uninspiring but stick to the tasks and responsibilities before you. Fresh dreams and inspiration are headed your way. Sometimes without leaps of imagination we lose the excitement of possibilities.

GEMINI - This is a moment of new beginning, Make connections wherever you can. Networking may lead to new sources of income. A move or a change in appearance is possible now. Your presence is magnetic, as your charisma is on full display. Attend to matters of love and commitment. Relationships taxing your time and money might be better off ended. You may need to devote time to sorting out your finances. Keep your goals in mind and locate the resources and people to see them through. A forceful yet gentle approach makes success possible.

CANCER - A recent evaluation has left you in the mood for self analysis and introspection. Take time to search for the answers you seek. Locating real meaning will help you avoid fraud or deceit in the future. A meeting or official conversation may be causing you anxiety, especially if a contract or deal is at stake. Don't worry. Everything will fit into place. Learn from your own experiences, as well as from the life lessons of others, and you will acquire new skills for success.

LEO - The world is your oyster right now. This is a moment of prosperity for you, as you enjoy monetary gains and the company of friends. Be careful not to neglect issues at home though, as relationships may require your attention. Closed door meetings are a possibility today. If you find yourself in trouble, rely on help offered by loved ones. This period of introspection and even stoic silence will chart the course of the future. A visit to the doctor may be needed to address health issues. Spend some time on yourself today.

VIRGO - A time of scrutiny and evaluation has passed. If you have been feeling unheard or undervalued, take heart. Your hard work has been noticed. Rewards will soon be yours. While work life is fulfilling, your personal life may be more complex. Deals with conflicts at home. Evaluate a relationship that has been causing you stress. The best way to fix it might be to end it. Communicating your feelings to your significant other is paramount right now, whether through a letters/email or physical connection. Avoid procrastination and lethargy and you will avoid costly mistakes. Playfulness is fine but set limits for yourself and don't get carried away.

LIBRA - Travel may cause some anxieties at the moment--digestive concerns, a loss of luggage, etc. So plan and act with care. You are feeling pulled in a spiritual direction so look to new faith traditions, to higher ed, to conversations with mentors or teachers for answers. You are effectively balancing work and home life concerns. Your emotions run high, both love and hate, but you feel self confident. Your driving force is your family now rather than the daily chores that seem to take up too much time. Avoid losing your temper. Anger would undo all the good work of the past few weeks.

SCORPIO - A personal or professional setback may leave you feeling mistrusting. You worry that others are keeping secrets from you. Continue to work diligently, avoid risky choices, and you will be rewarded. An inheritance or some other source of unexpected money will help resolve any debt issues you are facing. Jot down ideas as they occur to you throughout the day. Avoid being pulled mentally in too many different directions. Setting priorities and doing one thing at a time will get you the desired results. The fact that you are a good manager is made clear as you handle things with perfection both at work and at home.

SAGITTARIUS - Be pragmatic in the decisions you make today. Some new contract or business resolution requires your skill and intellect. This may also be the moment to take a relationship to the next level if you are not already committed. Avoid risky purchases or gambles. Take time to celebrate important tie ups with friends. Reviving old connections assists you professionally and financially today. A positive attitude helps you attain a position you've dreamed about. Faith makes it happen. Your hard work and determination yield results. You can certainly count on a raise in both status and self image today. In any case, money and perks are more than good enough.

CAPRICORN - Arguments over accidents or repairs may be causing your stress. With hard work and concentration these obstacles can be overcome. Ignore the malicious gossips and rumours. May your enemy live long to see your success. Your work life never seemed so good as it does today. You can feel positive vibrations all around. A long desired success feels imminent. Explore new areas of interest today. With perseverance you can work your way to the top! You're refreshed and ready to dive into new goals!

AQUARIUS - A grandfather or grandfatherly figure may have ideas to offer you. Be diplomatic in your communication with others and you will go far. Take time for leisure, including romance with someone special. Follow your intuition. Confusion is in the air so give yourself plenty of time and space to think. Gather your facts and listen to your heart before taking the final plunge. Avoid hasty decisions and trust your instincts. They will lead you where you want to go. Wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure.

PISCES - Escape the noise of daily life and enjoy some time in nature. You are in the mood to meditate, to seek inner peace. Your mother, or a maternal figure, may require your care. All aspects of life will be improved as you attend to domestic concerns right now. Reach out to friends and even those who have been adversaries in the past. This is the moment to find common ground and work together. Networking today yields larger returns later. The way you communicate with others will determine the quality of your life. Grab any socializing opportunity, reach out to people of varied backgrounds and win friends for life!

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