Saturday, May 23, 2020

Aquarius Sign In Vedic Astrology

Duality: Masculine
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed or Static
Ruling Planet: Saturn (god of justice & time)
Symbol: The Water Bearer
Part of the Body: Circulation, Shin & Ankle
Exaltation sign of: None
Debilitation Sign of: None
Determent Sign of: Sun

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of Vedic astrology.
A Water Bearers indicate it. The symbol of Aquarius is indicated by waves of water. In heavens it begins from 300 levels and extends up to 329 levels. The Sun stays in Aquarius from February to March as per sidereal zodiac That's followed by Vedic Astrologers and from January to February as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers.
The Sun for any zodiac sign dose's entry and exit dates change by one day through some years. Aquarius people have the ability even though they are often understood.
They're considered distinct, because they don't fall into any pattern. They are friendly, but detached. They've warmth, yet they are distant. They are a lot more concerned about humanity as a whole than any one individual.
However, there's a propensity to be more absentminded. They may be extremely stubborn. They aren't fearful of the irrational the eccentric, or even the unknown. If destructive, they will rebel striking out blindly in all directions. They will do things in an effort to jolt people. They prefer to take part in class activities, and are found altering the structures of those groups for the better.

The Aquarian is not easy to classify, for they are adapting themselves into conditions that are ever-changing. They don't bother forming opinions about other people's behavior, As they are not concerned as to what people think of them. They should make certain eat properly to get exercise for good blood circulation, and find some kind of pastime to help them unwind.

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn and Uranus (according to modern western astrology), it's mended, airy, manly signal, modulates ankle and blood flow and also the eleventh house of the horoscope. Its features include love for freedom attitudes, originality, intellectual, and religious. It signifies next step toward absolute, personal boundaries are surpassed, sense of neighborhood and universal values.

Aquarius Love;  tends to surprise and shock when least expected. Aquarians are a little funny when it comes to love. For Aquarians, their loved ones are very important and special. Ruled by the planet Uranus, Aquarians are innovative and creative in love. Aquarius in a relationship are often slow to commit because for them trusting others does not come easy.

Career ; the Aquarius star sign individuals are known for their intellect and innovative thinking. They love to increase their knowledge. The key qualities they seek in their career and job is freedom, flexibility, creative outlet, supportive team, growth, and appreciation. Aquarians won’t accept anything or anyone standing in the way of success because they know what they are destined to achieve. They are very focused on growth, equality, and truth.

Aquarius health ; Aquarius rules the calves and ankles of the legs. Aquarius is also concerned with the oxygenation process of the body. Furthermore, Aquarius regulates the rods and cones of the eyes. Aquarius also rules the spinal cord, coordination of muscle, nerves and brain. Planets afflicted in Aquarius can multiple sclerosis, cause poor circulation, blood disorders and poisoning, lumbar disorders and lower leg cramping.

Most Compatible: Leo & Sagittarius

Average Compatible: Aries, Gemini, Libra & Aquarius

Least Compatible: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces

Positive traits of Aquarius: Humanitarian, Cooperation, Reformative, Progressiveness, Inventive, Idealism, Objective & Altruism.

Negative traits of Aquarius: Impractical, Rebellious, Erratic, Eccentric, Dictatorship & Stubborn.


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