Sunday, February 24, 2019


ARIES - Make an early start to the day — as early as you can. Also, don’t be embarrassed about needing or wanting more money, but do realise that what is really important is to be as generous with others as you would like to be with yourself. That’s as good a way to build a better future as any.

TAURUS - Today’s passionate Moon should finally make it clear that while others’ misconduct or obstruction has indeed been responsible for many of your problems, you may also have played your part. That’s why there’s little to be gained from attributing blame. What you can change now are your attitudes and responses.

GEMINI - You have the freedom to choose between different options — and don’t forget it. Right now, you’re facing the sort of decisions which carry ethical or moral implications: you’ll have to elect between right and wrong. Also, turn your attention to dreams of travel.

Cancer - There’s a distinct mood of passion and romance in the air today. If you’re foot-loose and fancy-free, this is wonderful for those of you currently on the trail of a new love, and even at work you’ll be able to apply your broad and colourful imagination.

LEO - You would be wise to concentrate as much as you possibly can on home and family affairs. It is essential to take every part of your life in order, and not to attempt any new worldly initiative unless you are personally happy. The last thing you want to do is get stuck in a set of problems which is none of your making.

VIRGO - There’s an almost educational feel in your chart today, so everything seems to hinge around facts and information. In other words, there could yet be something very important for you to find out. Your natural curiosity may get the better of you, so make a point of asking others what they think.

LIBRA - You may be stretched to the limit today. Don’t wait for others to force the pace, but extend your own possibilities by accepting invitations in the belief that you are bound to succeed. The times are on your side, so please go forward with confidence.

SCORPIO - Everything in all personal departments is now looking quite exceptionally helpful. Your best shot will be to help yourself by getting the facts straight and taking family members into your confidence. What you need to do now is get other people on your team — and soon.

SAGITTARIUS - I would expect a rash of strange and energetic dreams in the wee hours of the morning, so if you should wake up feeling strangely worn out, this is the reason. Actually, one activity you can enjoy later on is day-dreaming, so you may follow your imagination wherever it leads.

CAPRICORN - You can’t really function without proper emotional support and teamwork could prove a great deal more useful than expected. So, if you’re sitting on any committees, or responsible for getting group activities on line, you could soon receive a valuable boost.

AQUARIUS - It’s a perfect moment for all ambitious and professional individuals. In fact, it’s going to be an extremely useful fortnight for everyone pursuing major schemes and dreams, even those of you whose principle goal is domestic and family security.

PISCES - You can’t decide whether you want to be secretive and solitary or sociable and gregarious. You’ll probably perform your familiar trick of keeping yourself to yourself even while surrounded by other people. Some might notice your absent air, but most won’t.

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