Monday, February 25, 2019


ARIES - You have a choice between the kind of work that is unlike anything you have done, or staying with a job you secretly find very easy with workmates who are genuine friends.
Later on, the moon ensures someone you miss is thinking of you. A house with an unusual roof has a lucky part to play in your life.
TAURUS - You are ready to redesign your life. Take plenty of time to plan your next move and keep everyone informed.A strong strand of luck links money to past performance, so looking back in time to a previous skill or location leads you towards future riches. And the right love could be there waiting for you.
GEMINI - You are a top team player in relationships and on every level. This ends a time of uncertainty in love and at work.The way forward may include changes but you can lead with confidence. Your dream zone is very active and a big ambition starts to take shape. You start to believe in love again.
CANCER - You are ready to put the work into love and, however long it takes, to persuade a partner that together you can make it happen.Single? A face you have seen many times suddenly looks so sexy in a new setting. Let your heart respond. Fitness plans start to feel like fun, not another daily duty.
LEO - Romance focuses around your chart and keeps your love life buzzing with potential.Adding a touch of surprise to a routine job with a partner sparks a big question. And new love links to a TV or radio phone-in show.You step through an ambition door, but you do it on your own terms. Luck visits door 56.
VIRGO - Only one person can create lasting security for you – and that is yourself. So stop waiting and focus on real action instead.This will get the right rules agreed at home and at work. Everything you do or say makes the right emotional impact and the way a partner responds could be all you want.
LIBRA - You can be both thoughtful and decisive. The no-fuss, honest way you get your feelings across wins over colleagues and friends.When you see a new business opening in your neighbourhood, find out more – it could be perfect for you or for a family member. Luck is the first call on a new phone.
SCORPIO - You have all the talent you need to get the job, pass a test or be the star member of a team.To add extra luck, set aside time to visualise it all happening. Romance is all about learning new ways of getting closer.Single? A newcomer whose first words mirror what you are thinking could be The One.
SAGITTARIUS - You can put a positive spin on life and being with you makes others feel confident and optimistic.What would also make you a great boss is the way you respect other people’s ideas. Ready to get back into the dating game? Resist looking for a duplicate of an ex-partner – choose someone different.
CAPRICORN - You can assess your ideas accurately and understand feelings that may have confused you.This helps you handle relationships wisely. Your successful love strategy is to tactfully ask for what you need. single? You first notice a potentially wonderful passion partner where teams of five compete.
AQUARIUS - You should be dreaming bigger than ever before – and if you ever wanted a job that involved appearing on-camera, this is the day to get all the information you need.Your natural independence may have been hidden for a while, but now it surfaces and could add so much to your love life.
PISCES - The people you care about are back on your wavelength and ready to make shared plans. A power-grab at work seems ambitious, but could be perfect for you. If you are ready to take a chance on love again, a deep friendship can change into passion. Settled partners have rich news to share.

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