Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Aries - Enjoy qualitytime with family, perhaps sharing a meal. Express the worries you may be feeling for a younger sibling. Monetary issues need your attention. Don't get carried away with spending now and you will have money for travel and entertainment later. You expect more from yourself than ever. You're confident in the quality of your work but a lack of appreciation may disappoint you. You feel a lack of control. A desire for material and emotional prosperity may be making you feel restless. If you channel this frustration in the right direction, it could lead to a significant breakthrough.

Taurus - You are buoyant right now, enjoying material success. Healthy body requires a healthy food and healthy outlook. This is an ideal moment for a new project or idea that has been taking shape in your mind. Pursue that plan now while you are feel confident and supported. Speak out loud the desires in your heart. Freedom presents itself to you now, perhaps in the form of a trip or just a fresh idea that lets you push the boundaries spiritually and intellectually. Enjoy this mood of boundless energy but don't throw caution to the wind. Now is the time to count your gains and consolidate your power.

Gemini - You are happiest right now when you are alone, free to pursue philosophical or spiritual thoughts. You may feel a need for change, may be feeling restless. Success can be achieved if you listen to elders and take time to attend to your mental and emotional health right now. Powerful bonds and emotions take the center stage as the need for vivid experiences becomes more pronounced. New meanings and dimensions to your existence fires your imagination. A critical need for finances may occupy your time and energy. Look for help as needed. Try to create more fun and enjoy romance as it comes your way. Enjoy the moment!

Cancer - A recent loss or accident may be causing you some stress. Weight current decisions carefully to avoid fraud or deception. Join a club or partake of a social event if you are feeling lonely or cut off from others. You will be a welcome addition to any party or social group. Face the fears that are holding you back. Good fortune is headed your way. A partnership or deal is likely today. Others view you as approachable which helps you in your personal and professional life. You are energetic and hardworking, traits that help you achieve. Your ability to learn from mistakes, both yours and others', will take you places.

Leo - Affairs of the heart may be complicated right now, with a relationship in peril of ending. Do what you can to salvage the connection but be ready to let go if needed. Work is richly rewarding right now, with your hard work finally being noticed. A raise or a promotion may now be yours. Take a break from your super busy schedule and concentrate on doing what you are best at, spend time with your friends, even indulge in hobbies. Avoid turning point decisions, especially concerning work. You may make new friends or enemies who will help or obstruct your endeavors. Be tactful in conversation. Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.

Virgo - Complications may occur before or during travel. Your managerial skills will prove useful in dealing with any complications that you face right now, at home or at work. Your ability to lead and work hard has been noticed by others and will soon be rewarded. You're in a partying mood, interested in being active, creative and in the company of others. Expect an invitation or sudden desire to see a movie or play or go to a sports game. You confidently set your own rules now. Be level headed in this moment of exhilaration and don't get carried too far from reality.

Libra - A secret or a mistake may be weighing on you right now. Share your concerns with a trusted mentor or teacher. Engaging in vices or risky behaviors would be harmful to your health and reputation. Instead, look to spirituality and meditation, maybe even to travel, for relief and answers. Bitter memories are dispelled by pleasant recollections and a general feeling of well being in the air. Social and financial security are important to you now. Surprises may be in store, perhaps an inheritance. Responsibilities to a father figure come into the picture now. If you feel emotionally drained, take time to gather strength.

Scorpio - Monetary setbacks may be a cause of stress right now. Weigh all plans and purchases carefully. If unmarried, it may be time to take the next step in your relationship. Now is an ideal time to tie up loose ends and prepare for a new phase in life. Some personal time will help you flourish today. Take a short trip to visit family or old friends. Communicate with a woman you are close to. Those in creative professions will have a profitable day. A sudden email or phone call may alter the course of your day. Plan for future possibilities before you commit to any relationship or partnership.

Sagittarius - You may be feeling alone, surrounded by enemies engaging in small minded disputes. Ignore the competition and focus on the work at hand. Some new training or learning a new skill will serve you well. Those closest to you -- partners, spouse, clients -- are in focus. Don't desert the plans you made. Avoid individuals and environments that leave you emotionally drained. Be wise in the way you handle money as that will help you in days to come. If you put expenses in line with your income now you'll benefit from surplus funds later. Practice caution.

Capricorn - Enjoy yourself now but don't overdo it. Risky behavior could lead to injury or an accident. Disputes with professed enemies require diplomacy. Your creativity and dedication at work are visible for all to see. An elder, perhaps a grandfather, will need or offer assistance. This transitional phase of the month is full of excitement as you explore new options for yourself. What seemed impossible before now suddenly seems plausible. Make good use of this new energy. Today's a good day to handle difficult tasks and conquer those tasks you've been avoiding. Let yourself soar.

Aquarius - Be diplomatic in your conversations with family members right now, especially parents and grandparents. Enjoy leisure time but avoid risky monetary choices, such as gambling. Just being or working outdoors should engage your creativity and spiritual side. Follow your gut. You are in the right frame of mind to evaluate your own assets and limitations, personality wise. Follow your heart and you will avoid confusion. Take time for yourself without neglecting responsibilities. Plan your road map carefully and it will lead you to your goals.

Pisces - An opportunity to take a short journey away from home may be on the way. You may be accompanied by a caregiver or sibling. Take care to communicate effectively now, whether through email, phone or text. Being a good listener is key. Today brings you closer to loved ones. It's an ideal moment to express your feelings and gratitude. Enjoy and share the warmth of love. Don't overanalyze; instead, be emotive and expressive. Share what you feel for them. Give them what they want and notice their reactions. You'd be surprised.

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