Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Aries - You are captivated by material objects right now, drawn to fashion and the arts. Balance your budget to make sure that you have the resources to travel and enjoy food and fun with family. Effective communication means both speaking wisely and listening carefully so make sure you are doing both in your relationships. This is a time of progress and recognition. Interviews and meetings will demonstrate your poise, confidence and clarity of thought. You see complexities in appropriate detail and are able to make competent decisions. It's a great day to surprise yourself. Your own attitude will ensure your success.

Taurus - Money may be on your mind right now. You are attracted to material things, to fashion and jewellery. Enjoy the pleasure of meals shared with loved ones. Get dressed up and take in a show or a concert. Your personal equation with your work will undergo a transformation and could lead to prosperity and growth. The people surrounding you will be allies in travel or adventure. Overseas connections could materialize. Expect an emotional connections with cousins or in-laws, if you are married. Successful people radiate self-esteem, not self-disgust.

Gemini - Spiritual matters are on your mind right now. You may be feeling stuck and looking for answer, searching your dreams or your subconscious. Don't neglect the wisdom of elders, especially grandparents. Understand that health is a relationship between you and your body. An argument, a conflict and even loss of a relationship may require you to reexamine your choices. Bonds and partnerships of all kinds are once again in focus and may develop even further. They may even be legal ones, requiring the signing of documents and papers. Your gains and progress now take a different direction. You may not be able to realize it right away, but with time and new developments in your life, you'll appreciate it.

Cancer - Time spent with friends and siblings may relieve your sudden feeling of restraint or loneliness. Enjoy social events and gathering but don't overdo it. Take care in your travels to avoid accidents or theft. Health concerns may need attention right now. Make appointments and get adequate rest. Your workload is now reduced, allowing you much needed time with loved ones. Stimulating company heals old wounds and offers wise counsel. Those you haven't seen in a long time may offer an olive branch. Make sure your relationships are marked by a healthy give and take, that you offer as well as receive.

Leo - Your leadership and charisma have been noticed by those around you, making you a popular figure at social events and an authority figure at work. Continue working hard and further rewards will be yours. Problems in your love life may be resolved by more attention and communication. You don't hesitate to do your best and you deliver spectacular results. Today you radiate insight in your exchanges with others. This adds depth to all you say and do. You're focused and seek to finish projects. Give up on ego and accept others today; they are crucial to your success.

Virgo - A change in rank or status may prompt a chance to travel. A teacher or mentor may join you on this journey. Make the most of it; use this opportunity to expand your perspective on life and spirituality. Money might be a concern right now. Take care while travelling to avoid health problems or the loss of belongings. You have a sense of purpose today and find satisfaction in your involvement with others, especially the opposite sex. People, not finances, attract you right now, stimulating your imagination. Take a break for tedious work to engage in a game or hobby. Please your significant other today and make their day with love and passion.

Libra - You may be struggling with a set back, perhaps at work. Look to a teacher or mentor for guidance. Take time to attend to your health. Don't keep your worries a secret or engage in risky behaviors. Fresh opportunities are just around the bend. Now is the time to reconcile longstanding internal conflicts. Success requires both commitment to family as well as for personal growth. Care for loved ones as well as for yourself. Domestic, especially parental, concerns will draw your attention. Confront the situation on its own terms. You know it has to be done but also find time to rest and recuperate.

Scorpio - Now is the time to make some big plans. A contract or exciting new decision needs reviewing. Tie up loose ends and consider moving to the next step in relationships. Conflicts may arise in your extended family. Make time to sort it out. People enjoy being near you. You have a way with words that others appreciate. You may participate in a ceremony or journey, for work or pleasure, Your problem solving skills will make you stand out at home or at work. You're sympathetic to other's feelings of others and are ready to share you own. Good deeds always yield magnificent results.

Sagittarius - Others may be depending on you, perhaps for money or legal advice. Competition at work is heating up, with enemies vying for your position. Continue to work hard and you will make a reputation for yourself as a someone diligent and reliable. Be careful when traveling today to avoid injury or accidents. Now is the time to rethink your priorities. You are focused on your achievements at work as well as spending quality time with loved ones. Investments and bets may be fruitful soon. Resist the urge to go buy the latest gadget. Instead, repay any debts and focus on financial freedom.

Capricorn - Don't gamble with your health. If you are worried about something, get it checked out. At work, your intelligence and your fresh ideas set you apart from the competition. Make time for kids and for your significant other. Look for creative ways out of recent disputes with family. Nothing feels impossible today. You're full of zeal and inspiration. You're eager to learn a new skill or acquire fresh expertise. Effective communication is of paramount importance today. Remain confident and driven and you are sure to make progress. All things are possible as long as you believe it them.

Aquarius - Home is where the heart is right now, especially if it allows you to be close to a grandparent or caregiver. Take some time to be outdoors and refresh your creative side. New educational opportunities may become available. Be diplomatic in your connections to others. Take time to turn inward and reflect on your identity and your life. You may feel acutely aware of the injustices of life and society, wanting to help those in need in any way you can. Be compassionate but not irresponsible about money matters. Hold off on making major decisions. Spend time planning and scheduling things that will interest you in days ahead.

Pisces - Break out your camera because you may be headed on a trip to a place of natural beauty. New opportunities await you. Make a bold decision. Make time to listen to a family member, perhaps a caregiver or younger sibling, who needs you assistance with repairs or renovations. Indulge your creativity side and visit a gallery or watch a show. Interactions with others bring you energy and make you feel rejuvenated. You feel relaxed and ready to enjoy the company of friends, old and new. This is a time where social interactions are more important than ever to you. You can catch the attention of people merely by appreciating them.

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